Think Beyond the Link When Writing Articles for Website Marketing

When you start searching for ways to market your website you soon become convinced that backlinks is one of the most effective ways to increase your search engines rank and bring traffic to your website. Soon after, you will also realize that you cannot escape writing articles for that purpose. However, because the path that leads you to write articles comes from the fact that you need backlinks, you most likely will end up writing articles for backlinks only.

Yes backlinks are very important and they will increase your position in search engines. In this you have to understand that building backlinks requires lots of effort and patience before you start seeing any results. That is even truer when you do not want to spend too much money and you are doing it a link at a time. Backlinks results and real traffic might not come until after months and sometimes years. If you see the point here and you are doing it anyways, you should not ignore what an article can do for your website marketing efforts beyond the backlink, before and after the backlink results.

Know that your article on its own can also become an additional source that brings quality traffic to your website if well researched and written. In addition to bringing traffic to your website, a good article will help you sell your product or service by pre-selling you as a trust worthy source of information and therefore an quality source of products and services.

If you want your readers to get to the link that is usually at the end of the article in a reference box, you must keep them reading to the last paragraph. Otherwise, it takes seconds to click back or click any other link of the many that are usually found on article pages such as related articles, categories and web navigation links