Three Breathing Techniques For Any Ezine Article

Three Breathing Techniques For Any Ezine Article

 by: Radhika Venkata

I subscribed myself to many ezines.I'd love to read articles in them.First thing I will do is going to article section of the ezine.

I am telling you honestly...I have learned so many things from these ezine articles.Three aspects of the articles made me think and to write this article.

When ever you write article just follow these THREE simple rules:

Focus on ONLY one point:

Some articles goes pages and pages.Remember Article is a short and brief information on any of the topic.

Better not to write long essay type documents.Simply focus on one point.For example if you want to write on search engine optimization, take specific point from this vast subject.Like-

  • one article on Keywords

  • one article on title

  • one article on 'how content is good'

  • one article on images and 'alt' tags etc.

By this we can discuss each single topic in depth.

Make it point by point:

Instead of big paragraphs, slice up big lines and paragraphs in to short paragraphs and side headings.

This is to make few points stand out clearly from others.If the reader is in hurry, he can grab main points from these highlighted sections.

People scan the articles and ads.The highlighted lines and subheadings should make hem pull in to the body of the article.If not atleast they should get the idea of the whole article.

Tell them straight:

What do you want to tell through your article? Tell it in simple and clear way.Some articles start with a story end with a story.Readers don't know what to grab from that article.

Yes...People interested in others stories. But not in those that are no useful to them.

If you want to start your article with a story, then keep one or two lines at the end of the story as a summary.