If you use a website for your business you would probably love to be found the first page of Google's search results. It assists to bring you targeted traffic to your site which can, if executed correctly, greatly increase the possibility of achieving your web site's goals. Not just that but it is usually one of the least costly ways of advertising even if you use a professional to do it for you. If you use the services of a Toronto search engine optimization firm it could cost a few hundred dollars every month. In contrast you would easily spend into the thousand trying to get the same results from regular ads. And optimizing your site will give it much a wider exposure.
But there are things you can do yourself to successfully get your web site ranking on page one if you are prepared to put in a little work.
Before you even start to optimize your site you should think about what keywords you wish to rank for. You have to research the keyword phrases that potential clients or visitors are using in your niche. Try to brainstorm as many as you can. Once you have your initial list you can use services such as Wordtracker, Keyword discovery or Google's own research tools in order to dig a little deeper. Services such as these permit you to see if your selected phrases are actually being used and how often. If you find some terms that have a great number of monthly searches then it is a good indication that being ranked highly for that phrase would equal a high number of site visitors.
But highly searched for terms are usually more difficult to rank well for. This should by no means scare you away from them but just know that more time and effort will be required. A good strategy is to pick a mix of difficult and easy to optimize terms. Doing so will help to increase your traffic in a small period of time while giving you something to shoot for in the future.
Next you should begin to think about the text on your site. It needs to include the keywords that you are trying to target but in a way that flows. Although one of the reasons for inserting your keywords in your site is for the search engines don't forget that actual visitors will be viewing it.
Don't stop adding content for your site. Adding content keeps the search engines returning. This can increase the chances of getting you to page one for many more phrases than the ones you are specifically targeting.
Finally comes what is definitely the most critcal part. Every time another site links to your web site you are that much closer to getting onto page one. That does not mean getting just any type of link from any site. They should be from sites that are of the same theme to yours.
If you a have a site that has a real estate theme then you should come up with a real estate search engine optimization strategy. Get links from other real estate web sites such as directories and industry or agent web sites. You should be more attentive to quality, not just quantity.
Article marketing is extremely effective way of doing this. You will write informational pieces based on your niche. These are then submitted to different directories for inclusion such as Article Alley. In return for giving them information they will link back to your site. Depending on how how much time you have you can do this about once per week.
You will slowly start to see your site's traffic and ranking soar. Over time your site will be your most power marketing an business tools. It may take a bit of time and effort however it is well worth it.