There had been lots of tricks that we had shared with guys and girls on how to make sure your website is on the top page ranking and start cashing some revenue from your website. This can be done either through advertisement sponsorship by other company or by selling your own product or service to your customer. One of the best ways of doing so is by making the most of your Search Engine Optimization. However this tricks is just a method to make sure that search engine application such as Crawler to recognize your website potential and ranking your website. So, now we would like to give some advice on how to increase traffic to your website.
1. Make it unique!
- You have to make your website difference than the rest if there is thousand of website offering the same product out there. There also might be a couple, which had established their brand for decade and is already popular, to make sure your website do not sink, give your website something extra information that less people knows or putting some great picture inside there as people prefer to look at picture more than words. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words right?