Traffic Building Tips That Increase the Rank and Links for Your Website.

Want a nice list of traffic building ideas for you website? Gadgetwise, the personal technology blog published in the NYTimes Business Section has ten of them ready for the taking. Website marketers agree that using a variety of strategies for promoting your website and creating an online presence is required to beat the competition.

Just publishing a blog or posting an article with a link to your website won't get you very far in the increasingly competitive cyber marketplace. Of the ten ways for building traffic to your website suggested in Gagetwise, the first one on the list is "Self Promote." And with the rise in multiple social media sites, this is where building web traffic begins and ends.

Creating an online presence is a combination of many factors, from search engine optimization, to link-building strategies, but it's clear that Social Media has raised the bar by opening doors for self-promotion that didn't even exist two years ago. Facebook and Twitter are now standard additions to signature links.

With the increasingly social nature of the web comes the question, "what's self-promoting," and what's blatantly self-serving activity that has little to do with the actual topic at hand? Should you worry about posting your website link at the bottom of a comment if it's not related to the topic? What's considered pushy behavior and what's appropriate? After all, this is "social" media, and all social activities come with behavior that is either welcome, or not.

Luckily there are plenty of low cost ways to promote your published content that don't involve the trepidation of a social faux pas, like promoting your website by claiming your blog on Technorati or submitting content on StumbleUpon and Delicious. You can also create a "lens" or page on Squidoo, one of Google's sponsored sites that gets your content ranked more quickly than most others sites.

In the end, engaging your audience with useful information that speaks to their needs is the best way to make your site popular and eagerly read, but don't forget to add the bells and whistles. They certainly do help to make you the popular kid on the block by building back links to your website and getting your content seen and talked about.