Using Articles - The Best Keyword Optimization Formula

The truth is obvious when it comes to keyword implementation. Millions of internet marketers and ebusiness owners are now featuring keyword-rich articles as part of their internet marketing campaign. The reason in not only because it's efficient money management but because it definitely works. Proper article optimization combined with great content offer online users better page ranking within the search engines, plus it can almost guarantee to increase your traffic, give you expert status within the desired niche and broadens your market size.

Here is what you can do to easily create articles with the proper amount of keywords.

1. Write your article. This is what I suggest you should do. Take your initial thoughts of SEO and throw it out the window. Write your articles as fluently as possible, making them as enjoyable to the reader as possible. The point is not to create articles that are difficult to read for the purpose of SEO to the detriment of your readers. They should flow and be well written. If written poorly in a keyword-rich fashion only to benefit the search engines your articles will not give you the desired effect with your readers. In addition, they must be easy to understand, not too long, easily scannable, and in tight crisp sentences.

2. Article optimization begins once you have finished with the rough draft. After proofreading your articles and determining they are as great as you can make them, the time has come for optimization. The next thing you should do is begin by inserting your major keyword choices in your title lines. Make sure these are the very first words your reader and search engines will discover in order to make the proper judgment as to the article content. Then, place the keywords you're targeting into your very first sentence and only once for about every 100 words. Be sure to include your keyword in the last sentence of your article so the search engines will make a final and easily detectable discovery.

3. Proofread your article once again. A good way to do this is to read them aloud. In this way you are able to make sure that your keywords sound natural in any given sentence. Your readers mustn't feel as though what they're reading has been forced only to ensure better page ranking. Also, you will want to ensure that your article contains the proper amount of keywords. Believe me when I tell you, you don't want to have issues with the search engines and places like Ezine articles when it comes to keyword abuse.

Knowing what your keywords are of immense importance. If you have followed my advice up to this point and your chosen keywords are of poor value to the search engines, then what you have just written may never be found by your desired audience. Be sure to do a proper search with Google adwords keyword tool before implementing this highly successful keyword optimization formula.

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