Why Good Social Bookmarking Content Is So Important

Social bookmarking is a great way to organize, save and share your website with others as well as see what they're sharing. Whether you're doing it to share with your friends or to help generate traffic to your website, the type of content you share will play a part in how interested they stay.

Your friends aren't going to be too demanding because, well, because they're your friends. However, if you expect to develop some interested readers and followers, here are some ideas on what some of the most popular social bookmarking content consists of.

Topics are important, but we're a world filled with people of all interests so you're always going to find someone that's interested in a certain topic, whether it's music, movies, current events, sports, etc. What's more important than the topic is how it's presented.

Unique and unusual is always a good idea. Most people that read an article that's unusual are going to be more likely to read it again, save it and pass it along. They'll waste no time telling everyone they know that there's an article they just have to read. If you've ever read a story that was so outrageous you just had to shake your head, you know what I'm referring to. Make the article unique.

Controversial is always good, too. Everyone likes a good controversial debate or story to read and pass along. Unless you're too negative, taking a controversial stand on a major event often draws many comments.

Humor is always good. With the many sad events that are happening in the world day, we all need a good laugh. Whether you're writing a good story or posting a funny video clip, adding some humor to it will draw attention and inspire more readers. Even the most mundane task is great if it's presented with humor. You ever watch Funniest Home Videos on television? If so, then you get my point!

Make sure your articles or posts keep up with the times. Current events are always a big hit with the public, especially when they're on social bookmarking sites that specialize in social news. However, make sure you keep up with the times. Don't post something about a current event that took place two months ago.

There really is no steadfast rule on what you can or cannot post on a social bookmarking site. These are just some ideas as to what some of the most popular and highly ranked articles are like. Each social bookmarking site is different.

You may want to spend a little time on several sites until you get an idea of the type of stories that are ranked the highest and getting the most readers. This will give you a good idea of which social bookmarking site will best meet your needs and give you the best success.