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Nuggets From A Cincinnati Catfish Guide

I attended a seminar the other week by a local professional catfish guide. This guide

works the Ohio River about 15 miles above and below Cincinnati. His information relates to

catfishing on bigger rivers such as the Ohio.

The fishing spot he takes his clients fishing depends on the amount of current in the

river. The pool stage for the Ohio at Cincinnati is 26.6 feet. According to him when the

river is in pool than catfishing is very poor. He prefers the river to be in the 27 to 28

feet range with some current for the best fishing action. Once the river gets above 30 feet

then the current is too strong for good fishing.

When there is some current he prefers to bait with fresh cut bait. The current allows the

scent trail to spread all over to the catfish. In low or no current conditions he uses live

bait. The vibrations of the live bait will be pickup by the catfish in quite waters.
Skipjacks are the bait fish he prefers for they have a very oily body that produces a

excellent scent trail. The big problem is locating the skipjacks to use as bait. Normally

you just have to fish for the skipjacks and load up a small cooler. Then get home and bag

them for a freezer. Shad are much easier to locate and to catch for a fishing trip. Once a

school is spotted just throw out your casting net. He normally makes a couple casts and

has his large live well loaded for his client’s trip.

He uses a simple rig of, main line 30 pound mono, 2-4 ounces of sinker, tied to a mono

leader of 50 pound test. He prefers a 6/0 to 8/0 octopus circle style hooks. He has FLAT

sinker which are great, however they are hard to come by around here.

According to him the catfish will be found in 30 feet or deeper holes, the Garr and other

fish usually do not stay in water that deep. Flatheads are home bodies; hang tight to

structure such as sunken barges, boulders, and sunken trees. Blue cats like cooler water,

stronger current and will suspend.

The action for cats picks up when the water temperature is in the 68-70 degree range. The

day time temperatures are much higher in the summer around here. During the summer months,

the local pleasure boats forces you to fish at night or early morning around downtown


He does watch his depth finder for any big changes on the river bottom. To him any sudden

change in depth is what he will check out. He really does not depend on marking fish. Since

he has spent so many hours on this section of the Ohio River he already knows nearly all the

honey holes. He does suggest only checking out the area of the river between New Richmond

and North Bend Ohio. Along that stretch of river pay special attention to outside bends of

the river. If there is a local heavy rain, check the storm sewers that flow into the river.

That stuff washing into the river sets off a dinner bell response to catfish, and they put

on the feed bag.

Hopefully, these nuggets of information from a professional catfish guide will put more and

bigger catfish at the other end of your line this season. Tight lines to all.

webmaster for Cincinnati Catfishing





You have permission to publish this article in its entirety
either, electronically or in print, free of charge. As long as
the bylines are included. A courtesy copy of your publication
would be greatly appreciated! Thank You.

Nuggets From A Cincinnati Catfish Guide

I attended a seminar the other week by a local professional
catfish guide. This guide

works the Ohio River about 15 miles above and below Cincinnati.
His information relates to

catfishing on bigger rivers such as the Ohio.

The fishing spot he takes his clients fishing depends on the
amount of current in the

river. The pool stage for the Ohio at Cincinnati is 26.6 feet.
According to him when the

river is in pool than catfishing is very poor. He prefers the
river to be in the 27 to 28

feet range with some current for the best fishing action. Once
the river gets above 30 feet

then the current is too strong for good fishing.

When there is some current he prefers to bait with fresh cut
bait. The current allows the

scent trail to spread all over to the catfish. In low or no
current conditions he uses live

bait. The vibrations of the live bait will be pickup by the
catfish in quite waters. Skipjacks are the bait fish he prefers
for they have a very oily body that produces a

excellent scent trail. The big problem is locating the skipjacks
to use as bait. Normally

you just have to fish for the skipjacks and load up a small
cooler. Then get home and bag

them for a freezer. Shad are much easier to locate and to catch
for a fishing trip. Once a

school is spotted just throw out your casting net. He normally
makes a couple casts and

has his large live well loaded for his client’s trip.

He uses a simple rig of, main line 30 pound mono, 2-4 ounces of
sinker, tied to a mono

leader of 50 pound test. He prefers a 6/0 to 8/0 octopus circle
style hooks. He has FLAT

sinker which are great, however they are hard to come by around

According to him the catfish will be found in 30 feet or deeper
holes, the Garr and other

fish usually do not stay in water that deep. Flatheads are home
bodies; hang tight to

structure such as sunken barges, boulders, and sunken trees. Blue
cats like cooler water,

stronger current and will suspend.

The action for cats picks up when the water temperature is in
the 68-70 degree range. The

day time temperatures are much higher in the summer around here.
During the summer months,

the local pleasure boats forces you to fish at night or early
morning around downtown


He does watch his depth finder for any big changes on the river
bottom. To him any sudden

change in depth is what he will check out. He really does not
depend on marking fish. Since

he has spent so many hours on this section of the Ohio River he
already knows nearly all the

honey holes. He does suggest only checking out the area of the
river between New Richmond

and North Bend Ohio. Along that stretch of river pay special
attention to outside bends of

the river. If there is a local heavy rain, check the storm sewers
that flow into the river.

That stuff washing into the river sets off a dinner bell
response to catfish, and they put

on the feed bag.

Hopefully, these nuggets of information from a professional
catfish guide will put more and

bigger catfish at the other end of your line this season. Tight
lines to all. webmaster for Cincinnati Catfishing AND SHOP WITHOUT DROPPING Over700Bargings4YOU

About the Author

Have been catfishing around the Downtown Cincinnati area of the Ohio River for over 40 years. Gone catfishing at Lockport 5 times over the past 10 years. It is the greastest place to catch lots of huge CHANNEL catsfish in North America!!