A Tribute to Edna

A Tribute to Edna

 by: Laurie Hayes

To the world you might be one person, but to one person you might be the world. – Unknown

This week I had a coaching session that caused me stop, sit back and reflect on why we're really here.

My client, M, and I have been working together with a focus on building her business, however, for this particular session, M advised she had learned of a dear friend's death earlier that morning, and wanted to honor her by reflecting on the powerful impact she made on her life.

M had married young and moved far away from her family. Still a teenager, she and her husband settled in a small community in a beautiful mountain region.

Because she was so young and had little in common with members of the community, she felt as an outsider.

One day, she visited her local post office where she met the Post Mistress, Edna. Edna immediately made M feel welcome and opened her home and heart to her.

Through the many years that followed, Edna supported M through the births of her children, the heartbreaks that life inevitably brings, the trials and tribulations of raising a family, and the joys and celebrations that follow each victory.

Edna was there when M lost her parents and M was there when Edna lost her husband and several of her children. Edna would listen and support M without judgment. She showed love and acceptance to M and everyone else she encountered.

As M and I spoke about Edna, we reminded ourselves that in the end, it never matters how much wealth or material possessions you accumulate, how successful your business is or how many notches you have under your belt.

What matters is that you made this world a better place, just by being a part of it.

M is a wonderful, caring and generous woman who recognizes the greatness in everyone, and extends support and strength to others instinctively.

I believe that M is someone else's Edna, although she may not be aware of it right now and may never know who she has touched the way Edna has touched her.

If I can have an impact on someone's life the way Edna had on M's, I will have achieved my purpose.

I hope some day I too will be given wings as Edna has so I may move on to the next level of my being.

Take some time today to think about how you are impacting others' lives.

Do you encourage, support and accept others as they are?

What can you do today to make someone feel as though they are accepted and not judged?

Acknowledge the greatness in others and encourage them to be proud of who they are. Listen to their ideas and praise them for the things they do well.

All we can do is help each other to be the best we can be. Love each other no matter what and support each other when the times get tough.

Edna has passed the torch. Hold it tight and carry on.