AC Power Adapters - Do I Really Need Them?

AC Power Adapters - Do I Really Need Them?

 by: Tara Pearce

By now you have decided where you want to go and if you have read my ac adapter article you know whether or not you need to bring along some ac power adapters. Unfortunately, like many things in life, there are no exact rules governing travel adapters.

I recommend bringing power adapters even if you know your destination uses the same kind of ac plug. Many tropical vacation destinations only have power outlets without a ground. Therefore if you have a grounded plug (like on your laptop) you will need an ac power adapter to convert it for a non-grounded outlet. North Americans please remember that many of your appliances with non-grounded plugs are polarized. (ie. They can only fit in one way). You may need an ac wall adapter in many countries as their outlets will not accept polarized plugs.

If you are traveling to Great Britain you should be extra careful about which ac adapters you bring. Britain doesn’t have a standardized system for ac adaptors and actually have several different kinds of wall outlets, so you may need to purchase a travel adapter once you reach your hotel. If you do, you can find foreign plug adapters at the local hardware store.

These ac wall adapters are relatively cheap and I recommend bringing several with you. Power adapters are easy to lose and fellow travelers will want to borrow an adapter from you. Always carry at least one ac adapter with you at all times – maybe in your backpack - because you don’t want to be caught without a power adapter when you need it. And please don’t forget these electrical adapter plugs do NOT convert electricity. Please take a look at my Power Converter page for more information.