by: Alyice Edrich
Along Interstate 75 takes the guesswork out of traveling the I-75! This is the first travel guide both men and women will enjoy!
Men will love this book for the detailed, color-code, accurate maps. Each map offers a true, visual aid of the immediate area off the I-75, including many of the twists and turns. The insider tips offer great cost-saving strategies and little known secrets regarding many of the off-ramps.
Women will love this book for the personal stories, historical facts, and insider’s secrets that often read like a small-town coffee shop conversation.
Finally, children will love this book because their parents will want to make frequent stops, allowing them to get out and stretch their legs. In essence, it will keep them from crying, “Are we there yet?!”
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Along Interstate 75, 13th Edition
By Doug Hunter
ISBN: 1-896-81926-5
Retail: $23.95
Mile Oak Publishing, Inc.
20 Mineola Rd. East
Suite 81
Mississauga, ON Canada L5G 4N9