Are You Prepared for a Winter Emergency?

Are You Prepared for a Winter Emergency?

 by: Candace J. Marley

Brrr! It's definitely winter here in the Carolinas! Snow backed up traffic in Raleigh, NC today with some people being stuck in traffic for 5 hours!!! Four different schools have children spending the night because driving conditions were too hazardous for the buses and parents could not get through the traffic to pick up their children! People are in ditches and cars are stalled. An older couple found themselves stranded for more than 4 hours after going off the road into a ditch. Police could not get to them sooner...they had to attend to more serious accidents.

So...what have you done to prepare for any emergency that may mean you are stuck in your car for an extended period of time? Think about what is necessary and what can keep you comfortable should you get stuck in freezing temperatures.

To start off with, find a car organizer. Put all items that you can fit into it so you will have an easy time to finding them when the emergency arises. I personally think that Kid's Organizer that is sold at is the perfect one for this! It may say it's for kids, but it has so many more uses! And it's the perfect size to pull together everything you need for emergencies. Just make sure that the organizer you choose is a good size for carrying the needed items.

Next, pull together items that will assist you in the case of emergency. A small first aid kit in case you have had an accident and someone finds themselves with minor injuries is a must! Some good extras would be some flares and a flashlight (check those batteries on a regular basis!) You might even want to throw in an extra pack of batteries for that flashlight JUST IN CASE!

Consider a few of the small emergency flashers that you can set around your car. They could also be useful if you find yourself in a ditch and your car is sitting lower than the road. Place one of these emergency flashers on the top of your car to help alert authorities where you are.

Now think of comfort. A blanket, a bottle of water (or two), and if you're anything like me, a book to read (provided you have daylight.) If you carry other people with you on a regular basis, like the youngsters, make sure to have a blanket for each row of seats that are regularly used in the vehicle. For most people that would be two, but if you drive a mini-van, then consider a 3rd one as well. And for those with kids, keep some objects that can keep the kids busy! Wal-mart sells these wonderful little travel games for a very small price and the kids can play these while waiting for help. It helps take their mind off the situation and calms them. And if you want, throw in some snacks that will keep for a while. We all know that Twinkies will survive a nuclear why not throw a few of them in the organizer.

You might want to throw in a few pairs of gloves or extra hats in case you do need to get out of your vehicle for any reason. Think of things that will help you and your passengers stay warm until help arrives.

And of course, if at all possible, have a cell phone with you when driving in hazardous conditions! You don't want to find yourself walking to find a payphone to get help!