Atlantis Discovered?

Atlantis Discovered?

 by: Kenneth J. McCormick

Well we definitely found Atlantis! This is according to Robert Sarmast. But who, exactly is Mr. Robert Sarmast? Mr. Sarmast was an architect who became fascinated with the search for lost civilizations and ancient history. For years he traveled, gathering facts in his pursuit of these ancient cultures. He was extremely interested in Atlantis. He published a book on the subject in 2003 entitled "Discovery of Atlantis" and has come to the conclusion that the island of Cyprus was where Atlantis existed.

There are many theories as to where Atlantis existed. Lately the South Pole or Antarctica has been suggested. In the past so many different places have been chosen that if we were to make a list of them, they would cover many different areas of the Earth. A few years ago ruins were found off the coast of Japan and many suggest that this was the location of Atlantis. The same is true with the Bahamas. The famous Bimini Road is said to be a relic of Atlantis. Another area which is said to be where Atlantis was situated is South America. After all there are many mysterious cities that have been abandoned there that were built in such a way as to defy construction methods. In some of these places the stones are so close together that even a sheet of paper can't fit between them, yet no mortar was used. In other of these cities, huge stone were hauled to the tops of mountains to be used in city construction, a feat that we can't even equal today. There are other places where Atlantis was suspected of existing and some of these are in the middle of the ocean. Some people say that Atlantis sank and that is why we can't find its location. Oh there are so many different stories about Atlantis.

So, why exactly do people believe that they know were Atlantis was,. or in fact, that it even existed? Homer, the famous Greek story teller and author, lived around the 8th century BC. Originally it was believed by modern day people that Homer was a great writer of fiction, but then things began to happen that suggested that maybe his works weren't fiction after all. The City of Troy was unearthed. Homer had written the Iliad, the story of the battle between the Greeks and the city of Troy that lasted ten years. All of a sudden a work that all though was fiction may have been based on fact. People began to look at the Odessy, another of Homer's famous works. If the Iliad were true than could the Odessy be true also? This is important because many think that the Phoenician island of Scheria might have been Atlantis and Homer mentions this island in his work. Plato was another ancient greek as we know. This ancient philosopher lived about 400 BC. There are two books written by Plato that have passages referring to Atlantis. These books are the Timeaus and the Criteas. They seem to indicate that Atlantis was located in the Atlantic Ocean and was the home of an advanced race that went to war against Athens and lost. It was said that Atlantis was located before the Pillars of Hercules. It goes on to say that they, the Atlantans, had defeated many European countries but the Athenians were able to drive them back out of Europe. The story goes on to say that records of this feat were lost due to a great flood that wipe out part of Athens and all of Atlantis. In Criteas Plato gives a very detailed account of Atlantis.

Now we know why people believe that Atlantis did exist. so let get back to Mr. Sarmast. Why Cyprus and not somewhere else? “It’s definitely Atlantis,”Mr Sarmast said, referring to Cyprus. Sarmast states that the clues were there in Plato's descriptions. He said that received data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration that fits perfectly. He went on to say that this data was gathered in 1987 when a scientific survey of the Mediterranean was taken. Then to further back up his claim, he stated that he had used sonar to find unnatural formations that were found at the center of the ancient city of Atlantis.

A remote viewer was called in by Psychognosia, an organization who had challenged the finding. The remote viewer formerly used his talents while in the US military. When he was asked to tell what he saw both now and 10,000 years ago he stated, that going back in time he could see a predominant city with buildings but now it was only ruins that were buried.

Could Cyprus be Atlantis? Why not, I guess it has just as good of a chance as anywhere else. Maybe Mr. Sarmast has hit upon something. I guess only time will tell.

During the cold war, the US Government conducted experiments using individuals to 'see' targets anywhere in the world from the room they were in. The experiments were said to have meet with some success. This same people were said to be able to look into the past. The Soviet Union also employed these same type of people, they were called Remote Viewers.


Since I finished writing this story Mr. Sarmast has offered new evidence. He states that he has discovered Atlantis and is sure of the fact because he has an enormous body of evidence. He claims that ruins between Cyprus and Syria that are under the ocean fit the exact description that Plato gave. He said the dimensions and configuration of walls and a canal on a hillside above a rectangular plain that sit on the seabed match Plato's description perfectly.Experts eagerly await the imaging data that should be forth coming from a expedition there last week by Mr. Samast.
