Eight Great Tips For The Adventure Traveler

Eight Great Tips For The Adventure Traveler

 by: News Canada

1. Embrace the place. Be sure to explore around the corners, go into the one of kind shops and meet the locals. Find out where the towns folk go for coffee and the newspaper in the morning and join them. DON'T have breakfast at the hotel.

2. Plan a trip with a theme and find an expert in that field to give you advise. For example an archeology trip, a wildlife safari, or a trip to discover local pottery and fabrics.

3. Read books written by authors from your destination. Go to a lecture on the country

4. Learn some language. Just knowing a greeting or two will endear you to the hearts of the people.

5. Pack lightly. Too much luggage will make or break your trip— and your back. Remember when you could get everything in a backpack? Check www.llbean for their travel clothes. Pack things that don't need ironing and can be hand washed.

6. Take a small digital camera. It's worth the investment. No film to buy or worry about and when you get home you can sort it all out on computer and make a great presentation for family and friends. Adobe and Fuji can help you get started.

7. www.hobotraveler.com has some fun ideas for the traveler who always wanders away from the tour group

8. Before you go, find a group or club with a similar dream – and get some like-minded travelers to go with you. How about a group of white-water rafters who have always wanted to raft the Nile? A shared experience multiplies the joy.

For information on travel adventures of the heart, visit www.negstusa.com

- News Canada