Helping Your Children Adjust to a Missionary Lifestyle

If you've been called to mission in another country then the desire to go is probably irresistible. But when you have a family with school-age children to care for, it isn't exactly easy to answer the Call and run away to an under-developed country. But just because it isn't easy doesn't mean it is impossible. While a mission trip is a big adjustment for both you and your children, it is something that you can prepare for with a little bit of foresight.

Here are four easy steps to help you get your children ready for the life of missionaries.

1. Help your children understand what to expect of their new living conditions. Chances are good that the modern conveniences your kids have grown accustomed to in the States will not be present in the area your mission takes you to. Before you go, watch some videos about the area and help your children get mentally prepared for the shift.

2. Explain your reasons for going with your children. Help your children understand what the purpose of the mission is and how it will help. The more they understand about your reasons for going, the easier it will be for them to adjust.

3. Spend time with your children getting to know the cultural differences between the United States and the country you'll be in. There are many large and subtle cultural differences that your children will probably need to learn in order to keep the transition smooth. Help them understand the difference in services, conveniences, foods, courtesy and roles within the community. This will lessen their culture shock and help avoid any uncomfortable situations that could make the adjustment even more difficult for them.

4. Get travel health insurance. If your church or religious organization does not have a group international health insurance policy for missionaries traveling abroad, or if you are taking the journey independent of an organization, then you need to get travel health insurance for your family. Travel health insurance plans for missionaries and their families have many different levels of service and can cover trips in varying lengths. They also have flexible deductible and limit options so that you can design a policy that offers sufficient coverage with an affordable premium.

As a missionary, you have the amazing opportunity to not only enhance the lives of those you mission to, but also the lives of your children. The lessons they learn and experiences they have as part of your mission will affect their entire lives and will help them be better equipped to deal with all that life throws at them.

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