Is timeshare a financial investment?

Have you been scammed into buying a timeshare as an investment property because of rental weeks or marketing programs that you were offered during a fraudulent sales pitch?

Many timeshare scam organizations make promises that they will refer you to a company that will:

- rent weeks at your timeshare to cover the purchase price and maintenance fees or to make tens of thousands of dollars in profit

- sell a timeshare you already own in order to help you to purchase a new timeshare

- sell your timeshare for a profit

Timeshares are not financial investment properties! Often the promises of renting or selling your property are made verbally, and are not included in the contract that you sign when you purchase the timeshare. The salespeople persistently guarantee that your weeks can be rented or sold, but state that they are not able to include this in their contract as it will be a partner company that is responsible for listing the properties. Sometimes they will even show you a fax from their partner rental agency in the US stating that you are