Israel Guide: Location & Climate


At the southern tip of Asia, forming the southeastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, lies the Land of Israel, ERETZ YISREAL , known to many as the Holy Land. It is a natural land bridge between Asia and Africa, and between the Mediterranean and the Red Sea. Israel Guide brief history: Since 1948, Israel is a sovereign republic existing in the ancient biblical homeland of the Jewish people.The borders of the state are:

North-with Lebanon: from Rosh Hanikra on the Mediterranean , eastwards across Upper Galilee , then northwards, enclosing the Hula Valley and reaching Mount Hermon. This line corresponds , for the most part, with the pre-1948 boundary of Mandated Palestine.

North-East, with Syria: from Mount Hermon across the Golan heights , to the Yarmuk River, along lines drawn in the Israel-Syria Separation