MLK Assassination Song THEY SLEW THE DREAMER by Gary Revel Free Download

MLK Assassination Song THEY SLEW THE DREAMER by Gary Revel Free Download

— Gary Revel has made, THEY SLEW THE DREAMER, his controversial song about the conspiracy of the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. available for free download now. —

THEY SLEW THE DREAMER, the song written and recorded by Gary Revel in 1977 while he was investigating the King murder sparked controversy and almost slipped into oblivion. Words and Music by Gary and now deceased attorney Mary Noel, the song published by Sony/ATV Music is in release by Jongleur Music. The lyrically cryptic yet honest portrayal of King’s murder is available on the internet now.

The first recording of the song was released in 1977 on the Rebel Records Label in Nashville Tennessee and then in 1979 on Gary’s own Star City Records Inc.’s label as a cut on his Revel album. Produced by John Erdelyan and recorded at Acuff-Rose recording studios the record received a libelous and slanderous front page story immediately after it’s first release that killed any possibility of commercial success for what was seen by some as a potentially dangerous anti-government anthem. Gary’s powerful yet true story has been maligned by editors in all mainsteam news organizations all these years in obvious hopes that if demeaned and or ignored long enough it would just go away. The story itself is evidence of the facts that demonstrate how criminal influence by organized crime and government has worked together with these major news organizations to continue the cover-up of the conspiracy of the assassination that killed Martin Luther King Jr.

Now with continuing talk of making Gary’s story of his investigation of the assassination of MLK into a movie the internet has provided the venue for new life to the recording. The lyrics contain the elements of the King assassination conspiracy that the United States Government and State of Tennessee had ruled as purely fiction all these years in that instead of; he (James Earl Ray) slew the dreamer Gary’s 1977 lyrics proclaimed that THEY SLEW THE DREAMER.

Gary’s investigation led him to believe that James Earl Ray did not shoot MLK but rather King was killed by a team of professional killers who worked in the shadowy world of J. Edgar Hooverites, CIA Special Teams and Mafia Co-Conspirators. The lyrics reference MLK: standing on the balcony, asking for the song TAKE MY HAND PRECIOUS LORD to be played later and James Earl Ray’s contact (Raoul). The lyrics to the chorus are:

Let a dreamer take the fall
They turned the courtroom
Into a costume ball

Made another sing their song
But the dream lives on

Lyrics by Gary Revel-Mary Noel
Published by Sony/ATV Music

To get your free download of the song go to website:

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About the Author

Born in Florala Alabama June 29, 1049.
Raised in Lower Alabama and Florida.
Formed rock and roll band at 15, played guitar and sang lead. Graduated high school from Holmes County High School in Bonifay Florida. Enlisted in the United States Navy at 18 and from there found himself in the music business in Hollywood California, New York City, Memphis Tennessee and finally Nashville Tennessee writing and recording his music.