Review Dewey Does

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Dewey Does
ABC-123 Publishing
2236 Victory Blvd., 2nd Floor
Staten Island, NY 10314

First Day, Dewey Does 4th Grade
ISBN: 0-971147-9-3
In The Grove
ISBN: 0-9711474-7-7
The Comeback
ISBN: 0-9711474-6-9

While Dewey Does books are quick reads, they pack a BIG punch. Dewey shares his life, at a level all young children can relate to.

As we travel with Dewey, through his daily escapades, we’re transformed into an ideal world where friendships aren’t just born, but their nurtured. Each new day brings about a set of circumstances that teach young children about life: building friendships, trusting one another, growing from mistakes, learning to say “I’m sorry,” and the importance of communicating with adults.

As a mother, it was refreshing to find myself engrossed in each of these books, finding myself engulfed in the storyline and forgetful of the time. Whether you’re young at heart, or have a young child at home, Dewey Does books are a must read—start a new bedtime tradition with the Dewey Does series.

About the Author

Alyice Edrich is a freelance writer specializing in short product reviews for BUSY parents. Visit her online magazine, The Dabbling Mum (, for no-hype home business ideas, writing tips, parenting advice and a way you can earn $50 in two hours!