Review Stop Bullying Bobby

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Stop Bullying Bobby!
Helping Children Cope with Teasing and Bullying
ISBN: 0-88282-253-5
New Horizon Press
PO Box 669
Far Hills, NJ 07931

While I felt the story was “too grown up” to have been told by the seven-year-old narrator, I do believe the story was very well thought out and offers a valuable lesson for both children and adults, alike.

Stop Bullying Bobby shows how verbal and physical abuse can stifle victims while instructing children in healthy, safe ways to protect other children from bullies. It also reminds children that it’s okay to be different and that in our differences, we’re special and worthy of love and acceptance.

Finally, the book ends with great, short, but concise tips to help parents and teachers stop bullying in their community as well as tips on helping bullied children find protection and safety.

About the Author

Courtesy of Alyice Edrich, editor of The Dabbling; where BUSY parents find advice, balance, inspiration, and how-to e-books.