Slot Machines - Good and Bad Locations

Slot machines are a popular past-time and a major attraction in many casinos. They give players the chance to hit big jackpots and win exciting prizes. The outcome of a slot machine is purely based on chance, making it a game of luck. But did you know that the location of a slot machine could also determine its chances of paying out or being profitable? In this article, we will discuss the good and bad locations of slot machines in a casino.

Although no one will ever truly know where the casinos are likely to place the loosest slots, we do have some suggestions based on research, staff experience in casinos, and talking to various casino personnel. These suggestions are simply that: suggestions. They may or may not apply to a particular casino. Plus, casinos are notoriously subject to changing their procedures if the players get too lucky!

Here's where our research and experience indicate that the best machines may be located:

Good Locations

1. Near the Entrance - Slot machines located near the entrance of a casino have a higher payout percentage because they attract more players. Casinos want to entice players to come in and have a good time, and placing slot machines near the entrance is an effective way of doing so.
2. The Bar Area - Slot machines located near the bar area have a higher payout percentage because players tend to be more relaxed and more willing to spend money after having a few drinks. Casinos know this and take advantage of it by placing machines close to the bar.
3. High-Traffic Areas - Slot machines placed in areas where there is a lot of foot traffic tend to be more profitable because they are seen by more people. The more people that see a slot machine, the more likely they are to play it.
4. Near food and snack bars. The reasoning here is that the sound of jackpots will encourage people to eat faster and get out to play the slots.
5. Generally, any location that is highly visible from other slot machines. People tend to spend more dollars when they see other slot players winning.
6. One row in from the major aisles. Lots of people can still hear the jackpots and the casino avoids customers walking down the aisle with no intention of playing slots except for the odd coin or two on the run.

Bad Locations

1. Near table games. People at table games, especially blackjack, have no intention of playing slots and the noise of jackpots going off will simply irritate them and perhaps cause them to leave. This same rule applies to machines near the sports betting areas.
2. Near Restrooms - Slot machines located near restrooms tend to have a lower payout percentage because players are not willing to stay for long periods of time. They generally want to get in and out quickly, so they’re less likely to put a lot of money into a machine.
3. Near the Casino Exit - Slot machines located near the casino exit have a lower payout percentage because players are usually leaving and are less likely to play. Casinos generally place their worst paying machines near the exit to lure players into thinking that they've hit a few jackpots and make them want to play more.
4. Near show or ticket lines. People in these lines are not going to get out of line to play slots. For the most part they are done gambling for that time and the sound of jackpots is wasted on them.
5. Isolated Areas - Slot machines placed in isolated areas tend to have a lower payout percentage because they are seen less frequently. Players are less likely to venture out to these machines, so the casino does not make as much money as it could.

In conclusion, the location of a slot machine in a casino can determine its chances of being profitable or not for the owner. Casinos are optimizing their profits by placing slot machines in specific locations that are most likely to attract and retain players. The next time you step into a casino, keep in mind the location of the slot machines and what it could mean for your chances of winning.