The dark side of hotel accommodation in Ireland

Hotels in Meath, Ireland provide you with the perfect opportunity to explore the historic and beautiful side of the Emerald Isle. Experience the warm hospitality and fun-loving side of the locals and soak up the lush scenery in the Irish countryside.

If you want to see the darker, spookier side of Ireland though, there are a few places that might just give you your kicks. With a number of historic sites and buildings, sightings of people from the past are a regular occurrence. Get those hairs on your arms to stand to attention at the following haunted establishments:

The Castle Inn:

Situated in Lord Edward Street in Dublin, this was the birthplace of James Clarence Mangan over two centuries ago. The poet lived a short life filled with drugs before he died of cholera in 1849. It is said that he still visits the Inn and causes sudden drops in temperature as well as a darkened mood.

Renvyle House Hotel:

Even after the IRA had burnt down the hotel and it was rebuilt, there are still a number of spirits in the hallways. Reports have claimed that doors open and close, groans can be heard, bed sheets fly off the beds and some sleepers have even said that they were pushed out of their beds and onto the floor. There are some reported opportunist ghosts who have been seen by female patrons who caught them taking a glimpse in the mirror while they were undressing.

Ballygally Castle Hotel:

This 17th century castle was comfortably revamped but still has its own "haunted room". Lady Isabella Shaw was imprisoned in the room after she had given birth to a girl instead of a boy. In her depressed state, she leapt to her death with her child in her arms. It is said that she occasionally knocks on the doors of guest rooms - but even scarier is the crying of a child that can sometimes be heard.

Dobbins Inn Hotel:

The hotel used to be a 13th century tower and was erected by Reginald d'Aubin (with the family name changing to Dobbins later on). Elizabeth Dobbins was caught having an affair with a soldier and her husband Hugh soon ended their lives with his sword. It is said that guests have felt their faces being caressed while trying to sleep, as well as people having seen a female spirit hanging around in reception.

If this is not your cup of tea, book luxury hotel accommodation in Meath at an establishment where people from another realm are not regulars.