Last night I watched the new NBC show named, “The Medium”. The premise of the show is that Allison Dubois (Patricia Arquette) is a strong-willed young mother of three, a devoted wife and law student who begins to suspect that she can talk to dead people, see the future in her dreams and read people's thoughts.
Ok now what happens from there is more medium then good from my viewing perspective. Allison Dubois a.k.a. the Witch of Endor (I Sam. 28:7) and her 6 year old encounter a kid in the school yard who hit it off with the shy 6 year old, the only trouble is that the kid died 5 years ago in a car accident outside the school.
This presents a problem for the 6 year old little girl who doesn’t want to give up her playmate that only she (and unfortunately the viewer) can see. But Mom to the rescue who explains that in the afterlife there is a place where everybody hangs out (everybody who is dead that is) and can groove together and look down on us and watch us like we are a movie for their entertainment.
Now the little boy is lonely and Mom explains to the little girl that he needs to let go so he can go to the good place and be with his grand parents.
This is the same old rehashed rhetoric that has been out there for years. The Medium is tired before it even gets started. Not to mention that the idea of life after death has been debunked over and over again by most reputable Bible Scholars.
This show is an attempt by the writers to soft sell a spiritual evil. Alas I have come up with a plot ending episode. A Christian Believer comes along and casts out the familiar spirit of Allison Dubois and she is healed. A big thumbs down for The Medium
About the Author
Paul Griffitts has been a Bibical Researcher for over 30 years and is currently Editor of The Good News Letter for
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