1-800-Get-Rich Can Toll Free 800 Number Domains Pay Off

Do you remember the 1-800-GET-RICH days? It was a time when 800 number domains were all the rage. Companies were clamoring to get their hands on memorable toll-free numbers, hoping to cash in on a potential gold rush.

Fast forward to present day, and the fervor around 800 number domains has died down somewhat. But the question remains: can toll-free 800 number domains still pay off for businesses?

The short answer is yes – if you choose the right number and use it strategically.

Let's start with the basics. Toll-free 800 numbers are a type of phone number that don't charge the caller a fee for making a call. Instead, the business that owns the number pays for the cost of the call. This can be an attractive option for businesses looking to provide customer service or make sales calls without driving up their customers' phone bills.

But the real draw of toll-free 800 number domains is their memorability. A catchy, easy-to-remember number can stick in a customer's head long after they've hung up the phone, making it more likely that they'll call again in the future. And if you can tie that number to your brand (think 1-800-FLOWERS), you've got a powerful marketing tool at your disposal.

Of course, the challenge is finding an available 800 number that fits your business, and that hasn't already been snapped up by someone else.

One option is to work with a company that specializes in toll-free number acquisition and management, such as TollFreeForwarding or UniTel Voice. These companies can help you search for available 800 numbers and even provide additional features like call tracking and virtual phone systems.

But even if you don't have the budget to work with a toll-free number provider, it's still worth considering how an 800 number could fit into your business strategy.

For example, let's say you run a home services business that specializes in HVAC repair. You could try to secure an 800 number that's easy to remember and ties into your brand – something like 1-800-FIX-MY-AC. Then, you could use that number in your marketing efforts (on your website, in your ads, on your service vans, etc.) to make it easier for potential customers to reach you.

Or, if you're running a nationwide ecommerce business, you could try to secure a toll-free number that's more generic but still memorable, like 1-800-SHOP-USA. This could help customers feel more confident about ordering from your site, knowing that they can easily reach customer service if they have any questions or concerns.

Of course, simply having a toll-free 800 number isn't enough to guarantee success. You still need to provide high-quality customer service and offer a product or service that people actually want. But a memorable 800 number can be a powerful tool in your marketing arsenal, helping you stand out from competitors and build brand recognition.

So, can toll-free 800 number domains still pay off for businesses in 2021? The answer is yes, but with some important caveats. If you can secure a memorable number and use it strategically, it can help you build your brand and make it easier for customers to connect with your business. But don't expect an 800 number to be a magic bullet – it's just one tool in your marketing arsenal, and you still need to provide real value to your customers.