2much Success Delays LiveCamNetwork Upgrade

(Montreal) April 5, 2005 - After trumpeting the release of its long-awaited live video chat solution upgrade, 2much.net has announced its delay - due to high sales.

Since the LiveCamNetwork 1.9 was launched in November 2003, the number of sites powered by the software have grown more than 900%, according to company spokesman Greg Jones.

The main reason for this success appears to be the MBase model-sharing feature the upgrade introduced.

"Prior to 1.9, we sold you a website where you had to sign up your own performers and get your own traffic," 2much owner Mark Prince explained. "With 1.9, everyone could and did share out their models to the MBase. This means that a new webmaster doesn't have to wait to have his own. The second his site is online, he can use his administrative interface to see who's available to pick and click and enable the models of his choice to appear on his site."

The operator could then charge his visitors 4.99$ a minute or more to his site visitors to chat with the hostesses. The money is split between the site the visitor is on and the site the model originates from.

"On top of that, a site with models but who may not have much traffic because it just went online can share out those models to the MBase - resulting in them getting traffic to their chat rooms and making sales until their webmaster acquires traffic to the site directly," said Prince.

The internal network concept worked well enough to result in a webmaster BBS being created for site owners to communicate via the administration interface.

"Just to keep up communications between the various active webmasters," Prince explained. "So they could announce that they have a new performer, or that another performer may not have been in her room when a client entered, and so on. It's another free tool we added to the system."

Site SEO and online presence was also increased after Media & Communications manager Greg Jones gave the site and its network a going over. "The result was that many non-industry people heard about the software," said Jones. "Quite a few regular mainstream guys and girls have acquired a system as their introduction to the internet."

Non-adult entrepreneurs were apparently more open to a new business and technology model, according to Jones, which is basically the concept of independantly operated live video chat sites.

New owners and operators found they needed no programming knowledge to engage and manage their online business. All they needed was the acquisition of traffic, and an abiltiy to learn online management and networking for advertising.

The next version of LiveCamNetwork, or LCN V2.0, will continue its trend of development by incorporating the suggested changes and new ideas all these webmasters and entrepreneurs have suggested.

"We had no idea this was going to be the success it has become," Prince said. "Had we known we could have stopped selling 1.9 to work on 2.0, or just not announce the upgrade so soon."

The company has had to focus on maintenance, security and support over the last six months of the 1.9 release, and this has prevented ongoing testing and implementation of 2.0

"But this is all for the better," Jones stated. "This way we'll have a hell of a network ready for the upgrade, which will feature customized niched model selection and advertising possibilities, more models, and more fun on the front end for the visitors. V2.0 is coming, it's just going to be better than if we'd released it last month."

About the Author

Zombay writes for iSN News as well as doing SEO for a variety of sites.