3 Easy Tips to Get Your Site Looking More Professional

Ask yourself, does your web site look professional? If you're
interested in making money online, you have no choice but to
make sure that it does. Whether you're selling running shoes
or providing weekend getaways, it's imperative that your site
projects the same level of professionalism that you do with your
clients. People appreciate quality and the bottom line is that
a professional looking site generates leads and sales. Are you
interested in improving your web site's design and overall look?
Who wouldn't be! Here are a few tips that are guaranteed
to help you out.
1) Avoid large or excessive graphics on your web page.
One major factor that must be considered when thinking about
graphics is that not all users have the same high-speed connections.
A slow loading web page does not convey professionalism. When it
comes to graphics on a web site the expression "Less is More" holds
true. Large or excessive graphics inhibit the users ability to view
your site quickly, which may cause them to leave prematurely.
There are two ways to avoid this scenario:
- Limit the number of graphics used on your site. If it's not crucial
to the overall design, remove it.
- Ensure that your graphics are saved in the proper format.
General rule of thumb: if a graphic has large areas of a single color,
use the Gif format. If a graphic is a photographic image with many
color variations use the Jpeg format. When using the Gif format,
keep your color pallet as small as possible in order to ensure the
smallest file size. For Jpeg's, use between 60% - 80% compression
quality. Never use the full 100% quality, as the file size will
become excessively large.
2) Avoid long, drawn out web pages.
Another sign of the unprofessional web site is long, drawn out web pages.
A prospective client should be able to find all the information he or she
is looking for without scrolling. When it comes to these excessively long
web pages, the quality of the information should be considered before
the quantity. Here are several ways to trim down lengthy pages:
- Remove all unnecessary information. It's important to keep in mind
that people are more interested in what they get rather than how they get it.
Make sure that your copy is benefit oriented. In some cases we can remove
text that is not aimed toward getting the customer to act.
- Organize your information. Proper organization of information can be
used to avoid long drawn out pages by separating one large web page
into several smaller pages, making it easier for prospects to find
what they are looking for. If it's impossible to avoid a large piece
of text, utilize page hyperlinks to allow the customer to easily
navigate through the information.
3) Keep your site looking consistent.
Site consistency is by far the most important element to consider when
designing a professional looking site. It's imperative that your web
site be viewed as a whole element rather than separate pieces slapped
together. Visual consistency can be achieved by keeping in mind the following.
- Use similar colors throughout your entire site. Example: if your web page
uses a blue background keep the same blue background throughout all pages.
- Avoid using too many fonts. In most cases, a professional looking site
utilizes no more than 2 font choices. Also, avoid using 2 fonts that are
Rather, choose fonts that contrast each other.
- Keep graphics consistent throughout your web site. If an individual views
the same icon at the top of several pages, they become aware that the pages
are related to each other. The same principle can be applied to the graphics
on a web site. Example: if your main web page utilizes a logo or header,
use these same elements throughout the entire site.
The above are just some of the elements to consider when trying to achieve
a professional looking web site.

About the Author

Colin Eyo is a member of the Worldprofit Design Team.
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