3 Yahoo! Submission Tips You Haven't Heard

Tip 1 Do Not Over Sumit Your Site

Yahoo! editors consider it spam when you submit your
web site over and over again without due cause. What's due
cause? Submit your site once, if it's not listed in three weeks,
submit again, if it's still not listed do not submit again. Read
the following example email and request help from Yahoo!
support. Taking this route will help you avoid being banned
because of spamming.

Support email address (only use this if you qualify to do so.
Do NOT abuse this support address or you will pay a high
penalty... as in they will ban you forever.)

Support email address: url-support@yahoo-inc.com

Dear Yahoo! Support,

I have submitted my web site twice to your directory as of
(put the starting date in that blank spot) Is it possible
that I need to make some changes before I qualify to be
listed in your directory? My web site address is:
(put your URL in that spot)

I realize that it's also possible that with all the submissions
you may have missed my submission. I submitted my site
on two separate occasions, and (place the
dates there) I believe I have a professional web site that is
of high quality and interest. (If your web site has won any
awards or you have any testimonials from pleased visitors,
mention this as well.) My web site continues to receive
high praise from many of my visitors. I've also won a "Hot
Site" and "Best of the Best" award. (Or... I've won several

I would very much appreciate it if you would consider my
site, (place your site title there) in the most sought after
directory online. Please let me know if I need to resubmit my
site and if there are any corrections or suggestions you may

My email address is and I am most happy to answer
any questions you may have. Thank you very much for your
time and consideration. I value your input and look forward
to any comments you may have.

My sincere gratitude,

Reword this example so that Yahoo! doesn't get suspicious
when they receive multiple inquiries with the exact same

Tip 2 Color Choice IS Important

With all the tips I've run across regarding Yahoo!
submissions, I've never seen any touch on the elements of
the color. If you want to know what the richest Entrepreneurs
on the web think about color and text, here's what they
suggest, and I agree.

Black on white text is the best way to present your content.
Lose the colorful or worse, the printed backgrounds under
your text. Color should be used to accent your website in
the side bars and so forth.

Never use more than 3 color combinations, this doesn't
include black or white. Two colors are better. Make sure
these colors complement one another and the linked text
does not reach out and pluck your eye balls out of their

sockets. If you're a bit color blind, have a friend help you

The truth is, a more professional looking web site will
increase your opportunity to be listed.

Tip 3 Avoid The Newbie Look

One of the most amateurish things you can do is center
everything or place large areas of bold text content on your
website. This includes using a large font that appears to be
bold text.

Center headlines and sub headings. Center small sentences
of text for grabbing attention. Left justify the rest of your

Only use larger fonts for headlines and sub headings. Do
not use a font that is so large it takes up a third of your page.
Use bold for highlighting important key thoughts (phrases,
not entire paragraphs)and keywords. Use bold for headlines
and sub headings.

I leave you with these concluding thoughts.

Follow the instructions that Yahoo.com has provided.
You'll find them located here:

Create a unique and valuable web site with a professional
overtone. Animated banners and buttons are distracting.
Avoid too many on any one page, or avoid them altogether.
Check your site for grammar and spelling errors. Have a
friend look it over for errors as well.

About the Author

Chrisi Darrington is the webmaster of http://www.netwoozy.com
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