7 Tips to Organize Your Web Site

Whether you are producing your own site or having someone do it for you, here are some basics you'll need to think about before getting started.

1. Decide on the goal of your web site. Will it be informative only or will you sell services and/or products?

2. List the topics you want to cover. These will be your main pages under your home page. Some ideas are: About Me or My Company, Products, Services,
Contact Information.

3. Think about your target audience. Design the site for them. Make your web site speak to them directly enticing them to buy your products or services.

4. Decide on the atmosphere you want to project. Treat your site like a store. What themes do you want to use? Do you want to be serious or playful? Will you use soft or bright colors? What type of graphics will be
most effective?

5. Offer something free to attract more visitors to your site. Will you offer how-to's, tips, newsletter, software? The possibilities are endless.

6. Keep it simple and easy to read. Use short line lengths and paragraphs. Internet users want concise information and they want it now. Make sure your
pages load quickly.

7. Keep it consistent. The layout should be identical for each page on your site. Place the links in the same place. Keep the colors and font the same throughout your site.

About the Author

Barbara Myers is a professional organizer and author. Receive free tips and articles to help you take control of your time by organizing your life. Visit http://www.ineedmoretime.com