SEO or search engine optimization is a technique used in Internet marketing which is known to make use of different techniques and methods to increase a website's relevance in search engine result pages or SERPs. Many of its techniques involves the use of techniques that increases its visibility in the Internet as well as techniques and methods used to make their websites more "search engine friendly" through optimization. These techniques are known as off-page SEO techniques and on-page SEO techniques.
Off-page and on-page SEO
On-page SEO techniques deals with the optimization of the website to make it more "search engine friendly" while the off-page involves the use of techniques and methods to increase a website's visibility on the Internet as well as in SERPs. Techniques used in On-page SEO involves optimizing the content as well as the codes of the website, optimizing the images, adding a sitemap, as well as making use of meta tags as well as alt tags.
Off-page SEO, on the other hand, involves only one technique, which is link building. Link building involves a vast array of techniques and methods. Other than for SEO purposes, link building also serves as a way to increase a website's traffic through other websites. This is the reason why link building is a very important part of SEO. Here are some of the most popular techniques used in link building:
Link exchange - One of the first techniques used in SEO, this involves creating a mutual link between two websites to ensure mutual traffic. According to many SEO Philippines experts, this type of link building is a type of reciprocal linking.
Three-way linking - An evolution to link exchange, this type of reciprocal link involves creating more "natural" links in the eyes of search engines. The value of links by three-way linking can then be better than normal reciprocal links, which are usually done between two domains. This technique, compared to link exchange, is still used in the industry.
Article marketing - One of the first techniques used in SEO, article marketing have grown to be used as a part of link building. Although not entirely a link building technique, the links it generates offer high-quality one-way links (to be explained) to websites. This technique is also used for link bait (another link building technique).
Blog comments - leaving comments on a blog, which contains links to a website, is one of the fastest and easiest way to build links from authority sites.
Forum signatures - This involves forum communities that allow outbound hyperlinks in their member's signature. This can be a fast method to build up inbound links to a website; it can also produce some targeted traffic if the website is relevant to the forum topic.
Link buying - Though considered as a type of black hat SEO (to be explained), link buying is now considered as part of the many techniques used by SEO companies around the world. It involves buying links from authority sites to further increase one's visibility in the Internet.
Link bait - Considered as one of the most powerful technique used in SEO, it involves any content or feature within a website that somehow baits viewers to place links to it from other websites. According to many SEO Philippines experts, link bait can be an extremely powerful form of marketing as it is viral in nature.
Other link building techniques involve: link popularity, free for all linking, link doping, underlinking, overlinking, incestuous linking, link campaign, resource linking, multi-way linking, and many more.
Reciprocal linking and one-way linking
Reciprocal linking is the first method used in SEO link building until one-way links were introduced. The difference between these two is that one-way linking only goes "one-way" while reciprocal links involve exchanging links from mutual websites. According to many SEO Philippines experts, one-way links are suspected to be more natural in the eyes of search engines compared to reciprocal linking.
Different classifications of SEO techniques
Similar to many other Internet marketing techniques, SEO is also known for its malicious or unethical use. This is the reason why techniques used for SEO is divided into 2 different classifications, the white hat SEO and black hat SEO. White hats tend to produce results that last a long time, whereas black hats anticipate that their sites will eventually be banned once the search engines discover what they are doing.
White hat techniques involve those techniques mentioned above, while black hat SEO techniques involve spams which are used to deceive the SERPs into thinking that a website is a relevant index. Black hat SEO involves both the use of on-page and off-page SEO. In on-page SEO, black hat techniques involve spamming keywords on meta tags and keyword stuffing by using techniques such as hidden or invisible texts.
For off-page SEO, a number of white hat techniques were used and abused because of its efficiency. One such example are blog commenting. Today, blogs are attacked by comment spams which usually contains irrelevant comments which are usually trash to any viewer. Other forms of off-page black hat SEO techniques include link farms, spam blogs, cloaking, URL redirection, and many more.
A number tools were introduced in SEO to make certain processes a lot easier, such as generating reports as well as website diagnostic tools. However, other than these tools, an already existing software is widely used in SEO. This is CMS or content management systems. Even before the introduction of SEO, CMS applications were already in use, which was used to make editing simpler without having to go through all the code.
However, according to a number of Web design Philippines experts, the primary use of CMS is to allow people with no or little knowledge of of programming languages or markup languages to create and manage content with relative ease. This made it easier for SEO specialists with no knowledge of markup languages to make the necessary changes within the website without having to bother a web expert.
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