A Few Obvious Reasons to Choose Drupal Development over Other CMSs

Since its inception to the Web development arena in the year 2000, Drupal development has been a perpetual favorite for all Web developers. The code was originally designed by a Belgian student named Dries Buytaert for the site Drop.org. The source code was released as an open source content management system later.

Recently, the 7th version of Drupal has been launched in the market with an overwhelming response from the Drupal developers. The soaring popularity of this CMS can be understood by the fact that more than about 1% (more than 500,000) of the websites on the Internet use Drupal. The modularity and scalability of this system allows the user to add many features and conduct many different types of projects successfully. But, owing to its highly adaptable structure and modularity, it requires an experienced Drupal developer to codify the system for a website.

It is structurally different from other CMSs

This CMS is structurally superior