Adsense Secrets

Pst! Wanna know some Adsense secrets? The only secret is that there are no secrets!

Do a search for Adsense secrets and you will be bombarded by a myriad of ads by telling you that they, and they alone have all the answers to making lots of money with Adsense. And I say bully to all of them. I repeat: nobody has all the answers and there are no "Adsense secrets" per se!

The only thing you need to find out all there is to know about Adsense is a search engine and a bit of common sense. There are literally hundreds of forums where you can pick up all the information you need, as well as hundreds of articles that have been written on the subject of Adsense.

All the answers are out there for you to find it you will put in a little bit of work. If you buy any of the ebooks available out there, you might find one little nugget of information that you may not have seen anywhere else, but I promise you: everything is out here on the Internet - all you have to do is search for it. Here are some of the search terms that I personally have used with great results:

increase adsense income
increase your adsense income
adsense experiments
adsense adsense tricks
adsense tips

What I can tell you from my own experience is this:

1. Ads at the top of the page and on the left of the page perfom better than any other ads. (Take a look at the "heatmap" from the Google link below)
2. Ads without background colour and borders perfom better than ads within borders with background colour.
3. Ads within content pages perform better than any other ads.
4. A search box on every page gives you another chance for earning Adsense income.
5. Your link at the top of the ad should be blue like a normal link, the ad should be black, and the url should also be black so that it blends in with the ad copy. That makes the link stand out and gives you a better chance of someone clicking on it.

Google has brought out some great Adsense optimization tips. You can read it here: Google Adsense optimization tips

To increase your site traffic, which obviously will increase your Adsense income, the best way to get traffic is to have fresh content at your site. Write your own articles and submit it to article directories like Go Articles etc. To find more article directories, just do a search for "free article directory submissions" on a search engine like Google.

Another way would be to publish articles by other authors that are relevant to your site content. You can find free articles all over the web by once again doing a search for e.g. "free site content".

Do this on a regular basis and watch your traffic increase on a steady basis. You also now know all the Adsense secrets you will ever need to optimize your Adsense ads so there is no need dig out your wallet for "secrets".

About the Author

Joan Masterson

is the owner of

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