Affordable Web Design

Professional web design providing Business owners with web design, web site hosting, and graphic design.

Our Services:

Small Web site - $1,000AUD

5 page web site

Ideal for small business to give them their first web presence

Medium Web site - $2,500AUD

10-15 page web site

The benefits of a professionally designed website, with seamless database integration.

Large Web Site - $3,500AUD+

Individually quoted

Unique website solutions for complex business plans

Build a web site that works for you.

The internet is becoming increasingly important to both business and consumers. It has, and will continue to, change the way we work, and the way we shop. It is therefore crucial to keep up with date, and to get it right the first time.

Every web site has a different purpose - information, selling, demonstration, enquiry/ordering, ecommerce. The two most important questions a company must ask itself, are:

1. What function will our web site serve?

2. Is my current site achieving this?

Your Web Site Checklist

1. Function

Consider what your company requires from the internet. Are you a source of information? Are you selling products? Are you demonstrating your products/services? Do you want the user to make specific enquiries (ie bookings, product quantities, purchasing orders, trade orders, or online purchasing)

2. Is your website search engine friendly?

There is no point in building a great looking website, if web users cant find it.

Search engine optimisation is the process of promoting a website to achieve top search engine rankings for relevant, targeted keyphrases. Find out how to improve your websites search engine rank.

3. Your Web site is your business

With all design, consistancy is king. Remember that potential customers see your web site first in most cases, and if your site looks unprofessional so do you.

It is crucial to consider the site visitors experience. Long download times, overuse of annoying adverts/animation, confusing navigation, and hard to find contact details, are the 4 biggest threats to keeping potential customers on your site, and away from competitors.

4. Offer clients a solution

Web sites that target client requirements, and offer solutions are the most effective way to generate enquiries. Once they make contact, then it is over to you to do what you do best, sell your services/products. Think of your Web sites homepage as a launch pad to all your services/products. Make it easy for your visitors to find what they are looking for, with the minimum of clicks.

5. keep your content fresh

Will people really come back to your site if they see the same content? A CMS (Content Management System)

allows you to update any page form any computer, at any time. Update news, special offers, get feedback. Turn a static site into an interactive experience, and give people a reason to bookmark your site.

6. Promote

There is no point in having a web site if customers dont know about it. Search Engine listings are vital (although there are no placement guarentees these days!)

Place your web address on all your existing, and future advertising, business cards, letterheads, fax headers, magazine adverts. Dont wait for clients to come to you, be proactive.

7. Keep them coming back

The best visitor to your site, is the one that keeps coming back. It shows that they value your site, and that they trust you. Making a great user experience, that offers up to date information, relevant information, ease of function, and actually helps the visitor will increase your sites popularity. And this will make a great impact on your company.

Contact Blue Square Media to get your Web site working for you.

About the Author

Ian Bruce is Creative Director of Blue Square Media, and has been in the design industry since the mid 1990's