AJAX Web Application Development Explained

The concept of combining Asynchronous Javascript with XML to fulfill the purpose of development of highly interactive web applications is called AJAX. Credible examples of the popularity of this technology would be Google maps and A9 which have been implemented in Ajax and have raised the bar of user satisfaction due to a rich client end interactive experience. Asynchronous Javascript and XML have individually existed for quite some time now but it is the ingenious amalgamation of these two stable technologies that has opened the floodgates for innovative offshore application development to thrive.

The Ajax-style Web Application Development is characterized by several prominent features. Asynchronous requests are made to the web server which means that even when awaiting a response from the web server the browser user interface is not blocked. It can continue interaction with the user. The Ajax-style applications have a high dependence on browser-based logic written in Javascript which is due to the recent enhancements and standardization of the DOM model that entails support for dynamic client-side user interface updates. The XMLHttp object native to the XML language allows communication with the web server without page reload thus making the exchange of data not useful presentation between the browser and the web server. The offshore web development and offshore software development arenas have benefited from this innovative technology and its advantages over traditional Web Application Development such as the absence of the generation of an HTTP request to the web server every time a user interaction happens. The obvious pluses associated with the option of Ajax Web Application Development are a richer user web experience, avoidance of re-rendering UI widgets each time and improved overall system latency due to reduction in role of web server providing logic.