No matter to whatever professions you belong to, or are working in, you always maintain a track record of your work. This work is considered an index to your professional capabilities and abilities. In whatever field you are working, the customers would estimate your abilities and professionalism, by the track record of your work. Like any other professional, the web designer also maintains and keeps a record work, for his or her career and for the customers. The place where the work of any professional web designer is kept and displayed is called the web design studio. Not only the display and work of the web designer is displayed in the studio, but the studio is the place to contact and access the web designer.
It is highly important for any web designer to pay great concentration to his or her web design studio, because every customer who would want to hire you for designing of his or her web page, would see the collection of your work first and if the work would impress or inspire him or her, only then you would be hired as a web designer. The studio is often created in the office of the web designer, or if he or she is working online, then it