CSS or Cascading Style Sheets, is one of the most popular styling languages used in the industry. Part of what made it popular is because of its simplicity, allowing web designers to focus more on their designs instead of wasting their time wrangling codes.
Although CSS is widely known across the industry, do we really know what the language is? Where it came from? And how it was developed? Although almost all web professionals have studied the background of CSS, there are still a few points in its history worth sharing. So here are some brief information about the most widely used form of styling language, CSS.
In the past, the first method in which designers used to design a website is through the use of Tables. According ot many Web design Philippines experts, although it greatly helped in arranging every elements found in the website, it also caused a lot of problems such as taking too much bandwidth, resulting in websites loading slower.
Because of the many problems of using Tables, many professionals sought for a new way to design a website without having to use Tables. And this is where CSS became popular. However, CSS wasn