Anyone Can Build a Web Site!

Anyone Can Build a Web Site!
by Robin Sopko

There are many levels of computer "savvy".
I'd like to think I am quite experienced, but actually, considering the vast knowledge that I have never been trained in, I'd have to consider myself to be just above the beginner level. I know how to navigate, but I am untrained on the technical science of the World Wide Web. Although I have spent thousands of hours in front of my keyboard and monitor, searching, absorbing and creating, I still have no scholarly knowledge of HTML (hyper text markup language), or things like CGI, Perl, Java script, or other computer programming languages. All I know is that I love to build and design websites, and I love the idea of all of this vast knowledge, available at my fingertips.
My father is curious about computing, but feels utterly overcome by the thought of owning a  personal computer. Being one who only types with three fingers, he is convinced that he would become frustrated by the availability of virtually "everything" and his inability to obtain it fast enough. He thinks he is too old to learn "shorthand" for the keyboard.
One friend of mine can turn on the computer, get online, get to her email, read and delete it, then becomes instantly lost. If she types anything into her browser window, she has no idea how she got to where she ended up or how to get out of it.
Another example is my daughter, thirty years younger than I am, experienced enough to know technical computer terminology, and so fast with the mouse that the computer freezes up within minutes of her signing on. Just when I think I know something that she doesn't, she snickers with delight, and lets out a "Gees Mom, Duh!" that embarrasses me the rest of the day.
Progress increases a hundredfold from our standpoint and throughout the computer literate, the certified, trained and the accomplished.
My point is, that anyone of us could build an elementary web site after an hour of dialing up, logging on, and getting to a free server or host to begin the building process. Many URLs (web site addresses) offer free space and some offer design-ready templates; all you need to have is a plan.
What will be your title? How many pages would you like to have? What are your sub-topics? The tutorials will frequently instruct you what to do from that point forward.
I could offer you a list of all the URLs to visit, (and would love to, in upcoming articles; or you could just visit our website!), if you'd like, but for now I'll just tell you the basics.
Remember to ask yourself before you begin: Am I interested enough in this topic to come back and update my site frequently? Do I need images to put on it, and if I do, is there a scanner available to allow me to upload these pictures?  Will I need information or images that do not belong solely to me? If so, are there addresses for me to write, to ask permission for the use of those images or thoughts?
A website on the internet is a legacy, so to speak. It will be a spot on the infinite Web, that you created. You can use free space and a longer site name or, if you purchase website hosting space and a domain name, it will belong to you at least, for a year. It will have your name on it, and you will be responsible for it. It will be your "baby". It could remain there for many years, or you could change your mind and simply delete it.
The bottom line is that all you require is an idea, a half an hour tutorial, and a goal. Much more time is required if you'd like a really nice website, but that is up to you.
Who knows how long it will take before space runs out on the World Wide Web, or if it ever will. If I were you, I'd get started on it! If you don't document your idea on this vast new course of technology and adventure, you'll probably regret it later. It's like writing your name with a stick in a freshly-poured cement sidewalk. Generations to follow can read it and remember you by it.
The only cost involved is a small fee for your internet connection. You could even eliminate that if you visit a local library where computer access is free.
Show your cousin in California all of your photographs. Tell the world how much you love Korn or corndogs. Meet and communicate with people across the continent who share your interests. Design and construct a legacy. You CAN build a web site.
Your legacy awaits!

Robin Sopko is the webmaster of: WebsCoolLinks! (located at: which provides many free links to a combination of design, hosting, tutorials, and other assorted webmaster tools, that assist those interested in building their own free place on the World Wide Web.

About the Author

An author since high school with many poetry submissions and travel writing for American Automobile Assn. Most interested in website instruction, article writing, and design.