Beginning XML - Part II XML Style Language

In the previous article, we introduced the basics of XML and its structure. In this article, we will explore the XML style language, which is used to describe the visual appearance of the XML document.

XML Style Language

The XML style language, also known as cascading style sheets (CSS), is used to describe the visual appearance of the XML document. It allows developers to control how the document is displayed, including the fonts, colors, backgrounds, and layouts. By using CSS, developers separate the presentation of the document from its content, making it easier to maintain and update.

CSS works by adding selectors and rules to the document. The selector identifies which element or group of elements the rule applies to, and the rule describes the visual properties of that element. For example:

p {
color: red;
font-size: 20px;

In this example, the selector is "p," which represents all paragraph elements in the document. The rule sets the color of the text to red and the font size to 20 pixels.


There are different types of selectors that can be used in CSS. Some of the common selectors include:

- Element selector: selects all elements of a certain type. For example, "p" selects all paragraph elements, "h1" selects all header elements, and "a" selects all anchor elements.
- Class selector: selects all elements with a specific class name. For example, ".highlight" selects all elements with a class name of "highlight."
- ID selector: selects a single element with a specific ID. For example, "#header" selects the element with an ID of "header."
- Attribute selector: selects all elements with a specific attribute value. For example, "input[type='text']" selects all input elements with a type of "text."


Once the selector is defined, developers can add rules to control the visual appearance of the element. Some of the common rules include:

- Color: sets the color of the text. For example, "color: red;" sets the color to red.
- Font-size: sets the size of the font. For example, "font-size: 20px;" sets the font size to 20 pixels.
- Background-color: sets the background color of the element. For example, "background-color: yellow;" sets the background color to yellow.
- Margin: sets the space between the element and its surrounding elements. For example, "margin-top: 10px;" sets the top margin to 10 pixels.
- Padding: sets the space between the element and its content. For example, "padding: 5px;" sets the padding to 5 pixels.

Combining Selectors and Rules

Developers can combine different selectors and rules to create more complex styles. For example:

p.highlight {
color: blue;
background-color: yellow;

In this example, the selector combines the element selector "p" and the class selector ".highlight" to select all paragraph elements with a class name of "highlight." The rule sets the text color to blue and the background color to yellow.

CSS can also be used to create layouts by positioning elements on the page. For example:

#header {
position: absolute;
top: 0px;
left: 0px;
width: 100%;
height: 50px;

In this example, the ID selector "#header" selects the element with an ID of "header." The rule sets the position to absolute, which allows the element to be positioned anywhere on the page. The "top" and "left" rules set the position of the element to the top-left corner of the page. The "width" rule sets the width of the element to 100% of the page, and the "height" rule sets the height to 50 pixels.

Using External Style Sheets

CSS can be added to the XML document in two ways: inline and external. Inline styles are added directly to the element using the "style" attribute. For example:


This is a red paragraph.


In this example, the style attribute sets the color of the text to red.

External styles are added to a separate CSS file and linked to the XML document using the "link" element. For example:



In this example, the "link" element adds the external style sheet "style.css" to the XML document.

External styles are preferred over inline styles as they make it easier to maintain and update the styles, especially when multiple pages use the same styles.


The XML style language is an important part of XML development as it controls how the XML document is displayed. CSS allows developers to separate the presentation of the document from its content, making it easier to maintain and update. By understanding the different types of selectors and rules, developers can create complex styles and layouts. Using external style sheets instead of inline styles makes it easier to maintain and update the styles.