Building A Profit Pulling And Highly Search Engine Optimized Website

There are many ways in which you can build a profit website and make money on the internet. While it is important to have a good looking website, this will however not necessarily translate to increased sales or profit on its own.

There is a great deal more that is involved in building a quality, profit pulling and income generating website. In this article you will find all the information you need to be able to build a profit pulling and search engine friendly website and begin to make money on the internet.

Essential Elements of a Profit Pulling Website

In order to make a website successful, your website must stimulate some interest in the minds of your prospective buyers or members of your target market.

It must make them want to visit your website repeatedly over an extended period of time.

In addition, your website must successfully get your visitors to take the action that you want them to take - such as joining your mailing list, subscribing for a trial offer, or making a purchase.

Selecting A Title For Your Website

The very first step toward building a profit pulling website is to target your product offering to a specific niche or market that you have identified. This should be after you have conducted some keyword research and found that there is a clear demand for the product or service that you are offering.

For example, if you are building a website about video internet marketing, everything within your website should be about internet marketing using videos.

Choosing Your Website's Keyword Phrase

When choosing keyword phrases for your website pages, it is important to make sure that you choose keyword phrases that are most relevant for each of your web pages.

This is important as it will increase the likelihood of getting your website to be ranked highly by the search engines, thereby making it easier for it to be found when people search for keywords related to your website.

A keyword phrase is a combination of two or more words used to describe your web page. If your web page was about internet marketing using videos, an example of the best keyword phrase would be "How To Use Videos To Increase Your Internet Marketing Income".

It is important to also use your keyword phrase a few times within your web page - making sure that they also appear at the beginning of your page, a few time throughout the web pages, as well as as the end, as this will enable the search engines to locate it on the internet.

This is a very important step in building a profit pulling website.

Effective Use of the HTML Heading Tags

HTML heading tags are represented by an "h" followed by a number "1", "2", "3" etc. The numbers following the "h" letter denotes the level of the heading in relation to the others, with h1 denoting a top order level, followed by the h2, then h3 and so on.

When writing your content, it is very important to use these HTML heading tags to enable your pages to be formatted properly, with your main title at the top of your web page. This is very important, as some search engines place emphasis on the text displayed within heading tags.

As the default text for the H1 heading tag is very large in comparison to the others, you may if you wish, prefer to use the Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to display the heading tags in the font style and size you of your choice.

The Use of Page META Tags

An additional step in building a profit pulling website is to make it search-engine friendly. You can start doing this by including META tags within the HEAD tags of your web page. META tags are keywords placed within the Head section of your web pages that describe the content of your website. They are important because they help the search engines to determine what keywords are relevant to the web page, and thereby determine the contents of the web pages for indexing and search purposes.

They are also used by the search engines to determine what the web page is about. Many search engines like Google will also display this description within the search results.

Backgrounds and Text

It is always best to display a web page in as simple a format as possible, preferably a dark text on a light background. This usually helps to make the text easy to read. Strongly colored backgrounds and fancy texts tend to be difficult to read for some people, and can also be very distracting to the visitor.

As a rule of thumb, it is best to just use what your common sense determines as simple in order to keep your website simple as possible. This can go a long way to helping you make your website more profitable.

The Use of Animated Content and Graphics

If you choose to use animated graphics, it is important to use them sparingly. The use of graphics that flash continuously can have the opposite effect to that which was intended, because they can be very irritating and annoying to some visitors and drive them away from the web page or website, never to return again.

How To Display Navigational Links

Navigation links help your website visitors to move around the website easily while they are viewing it. It is therefore very important that the navigational links are clearly displayed and placed where they are easily accessible. They should be placed on each and every page of your website, and be interlinked to facilitate visitors' movement back and forth within the website.

The best place to display them is at the top, bottom, left or right side of your web page. Your visitors should be able to get to any web page within your website as quickly and as easily as possible.

Consistent Web page Layout

Another important element to building a profit website is to try to be always be consistent with your web page design and layout. In other words the layout for your website should be the same on each page in order to avoid confusing your visitors into thinking that they have navigated away from your website and are now on a different website.

Any inconsistency in your web design will make your website appear unprofessional. To maintain consistency your web pages should have the same layout, logo, and navigation setup on each and every page.

The Importance of Spelling and Grammar

The importance of correct spelling and grammar cannot be over emphasized. Proof-reading the text before launching the website can go a long way to ensuring that the it looks professional and visitor-friendly.

The final check of the website should also include double checking all the links and making sure that they are not broken and that they all point to the correct destinations.

Web Pages

It is common practice that every website must tell the visitor a little bit about what they can expect to find on the website. The basic information and pages to be included are the following:

"About" page which tells your visitors about you and/or your company.

"Products" or "Services" to tell the visitors what you are offering.

"Privacy" page to let your visitors know what you do with their personal information, such as their email address, and to assure them regarding the security of their private information.

"Terms and Conditions" page should be displayed on your website for your protection, and should include clauses about purchase guarantees or otherwise - including assumptions about the use of products and services purchased from the site, etc.

"Site Map" page is used to enable the search engines index your website more easily.

Make Your Website Interactive

Another way to help you build a profit pulling website is to make it interactive. There are a number of ways to achieve this. The most popular one and arguably the most effective is by including a targeted forum that is relevant to your website content.

You can also include a form which visitors can use to subscribe to an e-zine, a feedback form to enable them to give comments, or a link to an informative blog which can be a resource for specific in-depth information about a topic.

Use of the Correct Web Browsers

The web browser you use when designing your website can have a significant impact on the quality of your web pages and how they are displayed. It is therefore important to install the most popular web browsers on your computer.

This will enable you to see how your website will display in different browsers, and will most likely display the same way when viewed by others using the same web browser as yours. Using an unpopular browser can sometimes cause display problems where you will find that your website displaying well on your browser but does not look so attractive on another.

It is advisable to use either Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer to design your web pages, and then testing them on both to see how they are displaying. You can also try Opera to check how they are displaying.

Use these simple guidelines, and you will be on your way to building profit pulling, search engine friendly, customer oriented websites, and start making money on the internet in no time.

For more information, and to learn more about building profit websites, visit the link below to access the relevant web design and development tools, tutorials, tips and other important resources.