Business Web Design Basics

On the Internet, the way your website looks reflects very
heavily on your business. It is a fact of life that people
judge other people by the way they look, and the cyber world
isn't any different. Potential customers judge your online
business by the way your website presents itself. Take a
second and think about what type of impression is your site

If you aren't satisfied by the image that your site
presents, here are a few design aspects that you can
possibly improve.

1. Graphics - Your business can't afford to have
unprofessional looking graphics. All of the pictures on
your site should have a purpose and be related to the page
or section that it is placed on.

Moving or animated graphics can also detract from the
effectiveness of your site. Let the amateurs use the neon
green flashing banners screaming "CLICK HERE," your site
will be much better off with clear, professional graphics.

2. Loading Time - Your whole site should have pages that
load quickly. If you have a catalog of pictures on your
site, be sure to make thumbnails that you can click for a
larger picture. You should also specify width and height
for all pictures. This way, all of the text can load on the
page because it knows where the pictures are going to fit
without having to load the pictures.

At the very least, concentrate on making sure that your main
entry page is quick loading. Web surfers are impatient,
don't make them wait too long, because it only takes one
click of the back button and they may never see your site

3. Focus - Your site needs to be focused and easy to
navigate. A potential customer should be able to tell what
your site is about within five seconds of loading your main
page. Sometimes webmasters try to cram everything about
their site on the front page. A cramped look is not
attractive. Try to lead visitors into other parts of your
site instead of trying to fit your whole site on the front

You should also have a link to your home page on every page.
Visitors don't always enter through the front page, and
even if they do, they can easily get lost in an unfamiliar
site. Make sure that they can easily find your entry page.

4. Avoid Technology - Alright, don't avoid technology by
any means, this is cyber space. What I mean is that you
don't need to have the latest flashy design tricks on your
site. Your most important focus should be on creating an
attractive, content filled, easy to navigate site. Until
all of those criteria are filled, don't even think about
adding extra features. If you do, make sure that there is
a reason for it and it fits with the site, otherwise it is
a waste of time. 

Best of luck to you,

JC Anderl,

Visit my site or email me if you have any questions about
marketing or website promotion.

About the Author

JC's website,, specializes in advice about Internet marketing and web site promotion. Free access to articles and ebooks, learn how to market your product or service online at