Characteristics of Successful URLs

While there are many things that make a successful web address, there are certain attributes that all successful web addresses share.

They are:

First, they are short and simple. Shorter is always better. Short web addresses are easier to remember and reduce the possibility of typing errors that can trip up potential visitors.

Second, they are descriptive. Your web address should be a preview of what visitors will encounter when they visit. Your name, in itself, may not provide enough of a clue to your web
site's contents to entice visitors to drop in.

Third, it should be memorable. The very best URL's combine simplicity and description with an unique element-often a play on words-that helps potential visitors remember your web site address hours, days, or even months after they first encounter it.

As a result, a successful web address often requires more thought and creativity than immediately obvious. Your first instinct, usually to name your URL after your name or your firm's name, may not-in the long run-be the best choice.

So how does your present or proposed URL measure up:

Is it Short. Is your URL as short and easy to type as possible?

Is it Descriptive. Does your URL do a good job of describing the content visitors will find when they visit?

Is it Memorable. Is your URL easy to remember, even if your name or your firm's name isn't? Is it distinctive or humorous?

Remember, the better your business name, the easier it will be to choose an URL. Like good business names, effective URLs are short, descriptive and memorable.

Here are some other aspects of URLs to bear in mind:

Do your preliminary research, and make sure the URL you want to use is not already taken. Although not a foolproof method of seeing whether or not a web site address has already been taken, you can do a preliminary search by simply typing in a desired web site address and see if the domain name has already been taken. This can help you weed out web site addresses already taken without paying a search firm to do the first round of searches.

With all the companies and individuals getting on the web today, before you concern yourself with the details of web design, content and production, you should firm up a short, descriptive and memorable web site address as early as possible, and get your name first before you do anything else.

This is not for everyone, but you might build your URL around specific products, events or your location. Perhaps you want your business to be known as the best source for a particularly well-known product or service in a given area.

Last, but not least is be sure you support your web site address throughout all of your marketing materials and advertising. Your ads, brochures, business cards, letterhead and newsletters should all prominently feature your web address. The more exposure your URL gets, the greater the number of visits, especially if your address is short, descriptive and memorable.

Copyright 2004 DeFiore Enterprises

About the Author

Interested in having your own successful, home based creative real estate investing business? Chuck and Sue have been helping folks start successful home based businesses for over 19 years,
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