Comparing CSS From XSL

There are two style sheet languages widely used in the website design industry today. These are CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and XSL (Extensible Stylesheet Language). According to many web design experts, CSS is currently the most preferred choice of style sheet languages by many web designers or graphic artists, such as the many Web design Philippines experts. However, many have said that XSL is considered more powerful than the capability of CSS.

The power of XSL over CSS

XSL, began as an attempt to bring the functionality of DSSSL, particularly in the area of print and high-end typesetting, to XML. Eventually, XSL alone was used as a styling language for websites. However, XSL has evolved drastically from its initial design into something very different from its original purpose. The original design for XSL was to create an XML-based styling language directed towards paged display media.

The mechanism they used to accomplish the task was then divided into two distinct steps, which were the use of XSL-FO and XSLT. XSL-FO and XSLT are part of the XSL family which became recognized for its powerful capabilities. According to many experts, such as those from Web design Philippines, the combination of these two XSL can create a powerful styling language compared to that of CSS.

Part of what made XSL powerful is that the XSLT alone is a Turing complete language, while CSS is not, which demonstrates a degree of power and flexibility not found in CSS, while XSL-FO is unlike CSS in that the XSL-FO document stands alone.

Why CSS is still popular?

Although XSL is known for its powerful capabilities compared to CSS, many experts have still use and recognize CSS as the leading styling language used in the market. Part of what made CSS popular is with its simplicity. According to many Web design Philippines experts, though CSS lacks in many capabilities that XSL are known for, its simplicity makes it easier for graphic artists to design a website without having to master every technique used in XSL.

Though the combination of XSLT and XSL-FO makes for a powerful styling language, its complexity may be too much for any graphic artists. The complexity of XSL-FO is a problem, largely because implementing an FO processor is very difficult. And according to many experts, CSS is much simpler than writing an FO processor.

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