Create a Web Site that Builds Trust

Create a Web Site that Builds Trust

 by: Herb and Monica Leibacher

If someone doesn't know you personally, will they trust you enough to do business with you just by visiting your web site?

Most people view organizations - and web sites - they don't know with great skepticism. Given all the identity theft and viruses running around, people are understandably cautious and somewhat skeptical when they go to a new web site.

What can you do?

Here are four tips on how to create a web site that builds trust:

1. Provide your contact information

You visitor wants to know that there is a real person somewhere behind your web site. Ideally, put a real person's name, full postal address, e-mail, and telephone number. Some of your visitors will want to communicate with you. Make it easy for them to do so.

2. Post testimonials

You say: "Our web site is the greatest".

Your customer says: “Yea, right.”

Every business toots its own horn, and most people don't believe a word of it. But, when your customers sing your praises, it has much more credibility. Make sure that you ask your customers for short, specific testimonials. You can even ask a specific customer to speak of a particular experience with your company with which they were pleased. The more guidance you give folks in writing these the more helpful they will be to your viewers since they are looking for others who have had dealing with you like they may have.

Put these testimonials throughout your web site and include as much contact information about that customer as they will allow. Ideally you will want to put their picture, full name, and phone number or e-mail address; however clearing it with them first is always a must. And as mentioned in number 1 above, the more details you provide to show there is a real person behind that testimonial, the credibility to will have to your viewer.

3. Provide a guarantee

Who wants to get stuck making a bad purchase? Providing a guarantee helps put your potential customers at ease and makes buying from you that much more inviting. The longer and more iron-clad guarantees can’t be beat. If your competitors offer a 30 day guarantee with a restocking fee, why not offer a 60 day guarantee with no fees?

4. Be nice

For goodness sake, be nice to people! Your potential customers don't know as much about your product or service as you do. They may ask what seem like dumb questions many times. It's ok. Answer them courtesly, honestly, and promptly – even if you are having one of those weeks! Let’s face it, you are desiring that they be willing to fork over some of their hard earned money to you so it is always to your advantage to entertain what may seem like the most outrageous inquiries.

When you create a web site, make sure that you follow these four tips to build trust. Building a genuine website is only half of the battle. Your website will attract folks to your business. But, building trust, confidence in your products and services, and, if you are lucky, a business relationship with a person will keep them coming back. And that is the whole idea!