CSS The Basics - ID's and Classes ... Correct

Cascading Style Sheets, or CSS for short, is a fundamental language used in web development to create stunning, visually appealing web pages. CSS is responsible for defining the visual aspects of a webpage, including colors, fonts, layouts, and more. In this article, we'll focus on two essential concepts in CSS: ids and classes.

What are IDs and Classes?

IDs and classes are attributes used in CSS to target specific elements in HTML. They are used to differentiate between elements and define specific styles for them. IDs are unique identifiers that are used to target a single, specific element on a page, whereas classes are used to target groups of elements that share specific characteristics.


IDs are used to identify a unique element on a web page. An ID starts with a hash (#) character and is then followed by a unique identifier name. For example, the following CSS code defines a style for an element with the ID "main-title":

#main-title {
color: blue;
font-size: 32px;
text-align: center;

In HTML, the element with the ID "main-title" would be defined as follows:

Page Title

Note that each ID must be unique within a given HTML document. That means you cannot have multiple elements with the same ID.


Classes are used to define a group of elements that share a common style. A class name starts with a dot (.) character followed by a name of your choosing. For example, consider the following CSS:

.header {
background-color: #333;
color: #fff;
padding: 20px;

In this example, the ".header" class is applied to a group of elements that all have the same visual appearance. To apply the ".header" class to an HTML element, you simply add the class name to its class attribute. For example:

Page Title

In this example, the "div" element has been given the "header" class. This means that any CSS styles defined for the ".header" class will be applied to the "div" element and all of its child elements.

Note that you can apply multiple classes to a single element by separating them with a space, like this:

In this example, the "div" element has been given both the "header" and "footer" classes, which means that any CSS styles defined for those classes will be applied to the "div" element. However, you should avoid overusing classes because too many can make your code difficult to read and maintain.


In conclusion, CSS is an essential language for web developers who want to create visually appealing web pages. IDs and classes are two fundamental concepts in CSS that allow developers to target specific elements and apply custom styles to them.

IDs are used to target unique elements on a page, while classes are used to group elements that share a specific style. Remember that IDs must be unique within an HTML document, while classes can be applied to multiple elements.

When using IDs and classes in your CSS code, be sure to follow best practices by naming them in a clear and descriptive manner. This makes your code more readable and easier to maintain over time.

With these basics in your toolkit, you can begin creating beautiful, customized web pages that will impress your visitors and help your business thrive.