Do You Make These Link Building Mistakes

Many people know that link building plays a vital part in
high search engine rankings. But it must be done right.
Otherwise, sites with fewer links will rank higher than
yours ! How is that possible ? Let me explain.

Google made links important a couple years ago. They
started to virtually ignore on-page factors (keyword
density, title etc.) and focused almost exclusively on

Google counts number of links to a web page (link
popularity) and what those links say about a page (link

Link Popularity and Link Reputation

So there's a common first mistake. Many people don't know
the difference between link popularity and link reputation.
They think any link's good. Did you know that 20 links,
with the hyperlink text containing your keyphrase, can
outrank 50+ links without a keyphrase ?

note: keyphrase means the words you want your page to rank
high for e.g. if someone searches on the keyphrase 'email
marketing' then you want most of the links pointing at your
page to say, 'email marketing' in their hypertext link.

Ever wondered why only your home page gets traffic ?
People get links to their home page only, and don't even
know they're making a mistake ! Google, in particular,
sees a web site as a collection of individual pages, with
each one ranking individually.

So, for example, if your home page gives info on 'email
marketing', then you want lots of links saying, 'email
marketing'. If one of your sub-pages gives info on 'email
software' then that page needs its own set of links saying,
'email software'. Most people think any high ranking for
their home page will automatically mean high ranking for
other pages in the same web site. It doesn't. Each page
ranks individually.

Internal Link Structure

Link Building isn't just about external links. You need
the right link structure within your own site. Many people
make the mistake of using graphic navigation bars. Search
Engines often can't even follow these links, so your sub-
pages don't even get indexed. It's beyond the scope of
this article to get into detail on the important internal
linking structure, but you can make a good start by using
text links instead of, or in addition to, graphical
navigation links. Then the search engines can follow your

On-Page Factors

Finally, not all search engines treat Links with the same
importance as Google. Yahoo, MSN, Inktomi make much more
use of on-page factors. And guess what ? You control on-
page factors, so there's no excuse for getting this wrong.
Be sure to get your keyphrase into title, description,
headings and body text. Don't overdo it and try to spam
the search engines with excessive use of keyphrases, but be
sure they know what your page is about.

With the right link building strategy, your search engine
rankings will soar, and you'll start getting all those
visitors that will electrify your web business.

Why do some people get an avalanche of profitable website
traffic… without spending a dime, while others get nothing
? Neil Stelling has created LinkBuilding101 to show you
how. Click

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About the Author

Neil Stelling is Marketing Manager of DigiLectual Inc. and Author of LinkBuilding101, a comprehensive video guide to link building.