Does Your Site Qualify for a Web Site Award

Most entrepreneurs are constantly upgrading
and changing web site content and design.
But how accurate and professional is the content
as a whole?
A great way to find out is to apply for a site award.
.No Kidding! You'll be amazed at the information

you may not have. This includes a broad range
of items consistent with site design.
I started my home business eight months ago and

finally tried for an award about two months ago.

I was rejected of course and the reason was lack

of contact information and a lottery link, plus an

affiliate program not consistent with their idea of

a professional, quality web site.
I did not reapply for this particular award again.

I continued to upgrade and change my site content

and design until a couple days ago when I noticed
an award of excellence on a web site and decided

to try again. This time,I was rejected again, but for

a new reason,
in addition to no contact information or hours of
operation,I had NO PRIVACY POLICY!
This time I took things a little more seriously.I went

to their qualifications site and read them.I do not
know how I went this long without a policy.
The contact information was in my newsletter for
eight months and yet I failed to put it on my web site

because I was skeptical about viewers seeing my

personal information!
I immediately went to my site and added the required

information and then reapplied...My site now carries
a banner for the Award of Excellence for a

Pennsylvania business!

Now if indeed I have held your interest to this point,

hold on for some very important information that will
give you the prestige and your visitors will feel confident
at your site.Take this list the next time you update or
do any changes to your site.

1] Be sure your contact information is on your main

web page.[Company name, your name, address,

telephone and /or fax, and e-mail address.

2] Add your hours of operation.If you are a home-based

business, set the hours to the time you are available.

I set mine from 9am-3pm.EST. [Include the time difference.]

3] Compose a Privacy Policy.I will share mine as a
sample to view.
Include your sincere promise to protect your potential

customers from SPAM. Keep their information confidential!

4] Always proofread and edit your content for common

errors: spelling, punctuation, capitalization, sentence

structure, etc.

5] Check to be sure all links work.Links sometimes need

upgrading or a mistake may be made when they are entered.

6] Background and font design are as important as the

content itself. Be sure the background is compatible

with the font color. Never use fluorescent or brilliant font
color, or background.
These shades of color often blind the eyes and make

reading difficult.

7] Although banners are becoming the "IN" thing on the

Internet, they have their down side.Load time of a page

is considerably slower if the page has many banners.
Visitors will leave the site if load time is slow..thus losing

potential customers.Sites are often rejected for having a

"Banner Farm." Instead, try writing an interesting paragraph

or two about the link and then link to the site.More often,

than not,a short description will prompt the visitor to click.
Overload of graphics, and clip art are also related.

8] A vital part of any web site are the meta tags, title
description and key words. the search engines will never

find your site, unless you put in these key words. Take a
look at each page and identify these words. You will need

many of them, take your time to assemble the list of up to
150 words, or related words that are used most often.

9] Be careful of the content on the site, such a lottery
games, adult content only, if you wish to apply for an award.

It might come to getting rid of this type of content.

10] Free hosting can often be a downfall as well. You should

have your own domain available at minimal cost if you are

well established. I am still using free hosting, but will

upgrade in the near future.

This list of ten qualities is by no means all that some ask for

when you apply for an award. Some of the tips are not
required, but are necessary for a quality web site.

About the Author

Donna Sweat
Dee's Helpful Info.Newsletter
New Albany,Pa.18833