Effective Website Management and Time Saving Tips

An online store generally has good amount of products and their availability waves in and away of stock and there are products that are discarded out or leaving a dead product on your website is a great way to upset visitors and lose future site conversions. A news or informational site requires frequent updates in order to maintain its freshness in the eyes of the Search Engines and adding new content and articles ensures that you stay relevant and authoritative in the eyes of all search engines. One of the reasons for website maintenance is continuously adding new customer testimonials and adjusting call to action and conversion elements to consistently improve your revenue by updating product images and new products.

With reference to what you are going to update on your website or how frequently you need to do it there are some time tested techniques to help you save time and improve your efficiency.

Greatly depending on how your templates are created so you can save large amounts of time by allowing the template or web editing software to perform repetitive tasks versus you making them all on your own and a couple examples might be header as well as footer or common menu system.

Whenever you make a new graphics file and whether you require to modify that file again in the future rather you should always save a copy of the original format files because by keeping the original artwork intact will help you in the future if any edits are required then you are going to simply open the original image file and will make desirable edits and then re-export the file for use on the web. Ignorance to save your original graphics files format will require you to newly create the file each time so you have to make even the smallest change.

This is a quite common ignorance for many people and service provider companies that they simply fail to verify the lastly modified date on a file that requires editing and then when they upload a newer version of the file they simply overwrite important information that was meant to be part of the updates not replaced so always check the last modified date of the remote files on the FTP server before you upload & overwrite them. One reliable exercise to adhere is to download the latest version of the files you're editing prior to starting your changes and if you build this into your regular processes then it will become your habit and will help you avoid rebuilding work that was overwritten.

Above mentioned are few times saving tips for maintaining your website but you'd be surprised just how many people and business owners fail to adhere to them because following good procedures will help ensure that you are able to quickly update your website and get on to other important business matters.