Free Websites For Healers One Woman’s Thank You

It was on the night of December 24, 2001 when Maggie Wahls realized she could stand up for the first time in over a year. Maggie had been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and had become an invalid in 2000. Her doctors thought it might have been from a deer tick bite and the complication of Lyme Disease. Maggie was committed to finding a cure for her disease that traditional doctors could not help her overcome. So she searched the Internet contacting anyone she found who might offer some kind of healing for free.

Maggie had faith healers praying for her and Swamis sending her holy cards. She took many courses in attitude adjustment and how to use emotions to cure your illnesses. She made many friends in the healing community as well as learning about the over 100 methodologies available in alternative healing.

But finally, whether through the efforts of her Reiki Master Teacher or just the combined efforts of everyone who knew her and loved her, she stood up on that Christmas Eve and felt no pain whatsoever, to this day.

In an effort to thank all those who helped her and also to show the world that there is healing beyond the physician’s office, Maggie began creating websites for healers with no cost to them whatsoever. She has a website at and any healer in any modality can go there and fill in the simple form to give Maggie the information she needs to create a beautiful 8 page website.

Some website designers have considered her unjust competition until Maggie explains her mission is to give every healer in the world a website of their own. She feels it is absolutely necessary so that people like herself can find these healers and get the healing that they need. It is a big project. So far Maggie has created over 100 websites without charge. She does accept donations to help defray the costs but all she has on her site is a Paypal donation button to that end. She has the backing and support of the folks at flashbuilder which provide her with free domain names and free hosting for these healing sites. And Maggie has a knack for creating beautiful websites that are interesting and seem to exude some healing effect on those who visit them.

“I never thought I would have my own site, I am so computer illiterate, but Maggie made a beautiful site for me at”- Ann Bastuba

Maggie feels that if every healer had a website, that would be more than 5 million places for people to look for answers to their health problems. More than that, it would bring alternative healing to an equal par with traditional medicine in the minds and hearts of human beings, where it was meant to be from the beginning. “What better way for me to give back to the healers who give their healing for free.” – Maggie Wahls

Maggie Wahls is now a healer herself and a practicing Reiki Master Teacher and Shaman. She will create a site for free for any healer of any modality. Just visit her website at
and follow the arrows to fill out the simple form. She will get started immediately. You will love your site full of love. Her healing site can be found at

About the Author

I am writing this strictly for my friend Maggie Wahls who has more faith than anyone I know.