Getting Traffic to Your Website Yesterday

You have spent countless hours working on the
perfect web site. It is live on the net and you
need traffic. What can you do to get traffic now?

Submitting to the various search engines is great
for the long term. However, your site may not be
listed for several months, if at all.You do have
some options. Several of the search engines have
express submissions. You can have your site listed
in a week or less.Looksmart and Yahoo express
submissions are $299. Looksmart has a basic
submission that is $149 and you will get listed in
about 8 weeks or less.All of these fees are a one
time fee and there are no refunds. Alta Vista
charges $39 for the first URL and $24 for each
additional URL every 6 months. Inktomi charges
$30 for the First URL and $15 for each additional
URL yearly. Alta Vista and Inktomi refresh weekly,
so your changes will show up quickly. I would
recommend using Inktomi first. Then, I would
consider Looksmart and Yahoo next. Yahoo has
more traffic, but Looksmart is easier to get a
higher ranking. I don't think Alta Vista is worth
the money. If you decide on Inktomi, pick your
best URL's. Concentrate on 1-3 keywords per
URL. Use these keywords 3-6 times in your page
preferably near the top of the page. At least one
of your keywords should be in the title. Make sure
you have meta tags and descriptions. Getting
listed in Inktomi can get you top rankings in
Hotbot, Msn, AOl Search, and others. These
strategies have helped me obtain numerous words
that have top 20 rankings.

There is another traffic option to consider. Pay Per
Click Search Engines(PPC) will get you targeted
traffic at a specific cost. You are charged every
time a customer clicks on your site. Many PPC's
start at 1 cent per click. There are over 160 PPC's
and growing. Many of them are very slow and you
will not get much traffic from them at this time.
However, there are several that will get you
considerable traffic. The leader by far is Overture.
It is also the most expensive. However, with some
work, you can get numerous targeted keywords
for 15 cents or less. The minimum bid at Overture
is 5 cents and you must spend $20 per month.
All of the PPC's have their own rules, but here
are some general suggestions for success.

1.Try to get one of the top 3 bids if possible. You
will get at least double the clicks.

2.Bid 1-2 cents more than the spot you want. This
seems like common sense, but I see tons of money
wasted by overbidding. Also, look for big gaps
between positions. If you see a big gap, go 1-2
cents higher than the lower bid. For example, if
the top bid is 18 cents and second is 15 cents
and third is 5 cents, I would most likely bid 6 cents.

3.Write a description that is very specific. A well
written description will make up for a lower rank.
If possible have your URL go to the specific page
that your keyword refers to instead of the home

4.Once you get that person to your site, you want
to capture their email address. The most common
way is to get them to subscribe to a newsletter.
There are other things you can do. For example:
training courses, tip of the day/week,etc. This
way you are only paying for that customer once
for repeat visits.

5.Work search engines on a regular basis. I would
work the busier ones at least once a week and the
slower ones at least once a month.

There are tools that can help you manage your
bids for you automatically. Overture is My number
one PPC in clicks at
Here are other PPC's that I receive extensive
traffic.They include the following: and and Many PPC's will give you
a bonus on your first deposit up to 500%
depending on the PPC. In addition, some will give
you extra money for putting their search box on
your site. Also, there are several PPC's that give
you money to try out their site at no risk. Here are
three of those: and and By following these
strategies, you can get traffic to your web site today.

About the Author

Jerry Robertson is the editor of the free biweekly
newsletter "Elrob Online Biz Tips". Visit his sites at: and