Google AdWords Tips & Tricks

Synopsis: Google Ad Words are a wonderful and cost effective way to advertise has great flexibility on the part of the advertiser, he/she can make it running in minutes and can change ads whenever feels doing it after tracking the response of the visitors and the conversion rate.

However testing keywords and ads to improve the conversion rate is a never ending process and one has to be very selective and alert in choosing the right keywords. You can be running an ad campaign at Google in minutes! Well to make your ad word campaign successful and worth spending I present some keen facts and suggestions to be considered while developing ad word advertisements.

Always be very specific: You should be very specific while choosing your keywords in the ads because being general in advertisements will bring traffic to your site but not many actual buyers in other words the conversion rate will be very less or your return on investment will be less.

Use square brackets: Use square brackets [ ] around your keywords that you want to target the most because by doing this your ads will be shown only when searches are made that match your keywords or phrases bracketed exactly. For example : [search engine optimization], [SEO Masters]

Now in this case the ad will be displayed only if searches are made of exact words "search engine optimization" or "seo pages" and you will get only the desired traffic to your site.

Link to exact pages: Always link to correct pages for example if you are advertising a particular product then link to the page in particular that is selling that product and not to the site's homepage. User will never like much browsing and will ultimately leave for your competitor if isn't able to find the desired information. So link to particular pages.

Offer immediate benefits: Offer the benefits that your product will give the consumer because many times users are looking for those benefits and will be induced to your site. For example learn free, earn at home, become an expert, lose weight etc. Try to include such benefits in the ads and see the results soar.

Make multiple ads: Always make two or more copies of ads as you might not know what might click up, constantly monitor your ads and see which one is gaining pace and remove or change the lesser responsive ad. This is an ever going process to reach the maximum potential customers and will go on and on.

Record the ROI: Record the return on investment of each ad to keep your expenses in your pre decided budget and update or change low ROT ads simultaneously. ROI is the base for which you are planning ads and it should not be under looked. Google offers the stats free for the ad words, hence you can use it and calculate the ROI and act accordingly.

Use provoking words: Use provoking words that instantiate action of the user like free, free shipping, special offer, limited time offer, tips, tricks etc. These types of words actually attract the users but make sure that the words are specific to your business otherwise they can be removed by Google.

Include Price Quotes: A wise and proven selling technique is to give a hot price and that's what works in ad words too. If you are featuring a particular product on your site then you must mention its price in your ad and I assure that you will get much targeted customers to your site. This will benefit the other way too that is some free finders will be kept away from your ad and you can save another valuable click which in return meet your budget limits. Your main target is potential customers and not everybody and this way you can head towards your goal.

Avoid double meaning words: There are words and phrases that mean completely different things depending on the target audience you're trying to reach. These words should be avoided. Be sure and examine your keyword list for any words that could take on a different meaning than what makes sense for your business. The best way to figure this out on your own is to simply do searches at the major search engines for each of your keywords, and see who else is in the result set with you. Then end up finally selecting the keywords that fit your purpose and relevance for the campaign.

Your goal to use Ad Words is to increase ROI, not to increase your traffic. It's more valuable to you, as an advertiser to receive only 10 new visitors in a month if they're all qualified and likely buyers, than it is to pay for 1,000 visitors a month that found you by mistake. You can achieve it by targeting at the right audience and selective very specific keywords and constant monitoring.

Good Luck! Contact me if you need to learn or know more about SEO [Search Engine Optimization], SEP [Search Engine Promotion], SEM [Search Engine Marketing], PPC [Pay Per Click] Search Engines, Link Building, Google Page Rank, Alexa Page Rank, Reciprocal Links etc.

About the Author

A Master of Sciences in Information Technology from Panjab University, Chandigarh and a Bachelor of Computer Applications from Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar, India. He's a Microsoft Certified Professional, a Brainbench Certified 'MVP' (Most Valuable Professional), Brainbench Certified Internet professional and a CIW (Certified Internet Webmaster) Associate.
