You've built up a good site, put in a lot of content, but none of
the search engines lists your site? If you'd like to know how to
go ahead with Search Engine Submission the right way, read on.
How do I get my site to be included in search-engines? That's a
question a lot of people ask me. My question back to them is
"Is your Site Search-engine ready?". A lot of sites don't get
spidered into search engine results just because the pages are
not search-engine friendly. Search engines like to see a lot of
text on your site. This means that if your site is filled with
Flash animations and graphics, instead of text for content, your
site probably not show up in search-engine results. Another
reason your site might be loosing out in search engine rankings
could be the lack of meta-tags.
So what are meta-tags? Metatags are small pieces of code which you
embed into your pages which informs your search engines about your
site's contents, how to spider your site, and other such
Most search engines look at your page's meta-tags and title tag to
get the relevant information to index your site. So you should
make sure that all your pages have the relevant details in meta-tags.
The three most important tags for your site are 'DESCRIPTION'
and 'KEYWORDS' meta-tags and the 'Title' tag on all pages.
The 'DESCRIPTION' tag is used to describe the contents of the page.
You should enter a short description of the page in this tag. Here's
how the tag will look when you enter the description of the page:
CONTENT"Tips on how to submit your web site to search engines.">
The 'KEYWORDS' tag is used to tell the search engine which keywords
words you feel are important in the page. This helps in the ranking
process of search engines. In your keywords tag, use as many
combinations of your search term as you can, without repeating the
same terms too many times. Some search engines penalize a site for
repeating keywords. Here's how a keywords tag would look :
CONTENT"Search Engine Optimization, submit,
site, metatags, meta-tags, SEO, submission, tag">
Every page you have on your site should have a Title tag. All
search engines use the content of your title tag to index the
content of your site. So make sure you've got a Title tag and the
Title has some relevance to the content in your page. An example
of the title tag :
How to submit your site < itle>
So once you've entered your tags properly, your start of the HTML
code for the page should look like this :
How to submit your site < itle>
site to search engines.">
site, metatags, meta-tags, SEO, submission, tag">
These three tags by themselves should give a boost to your ranking
once the search engine crawls your site. If you want a tool to make
the tags for you, check out my Meta-Tag Generator Script at:
This online tool helps you generate the basic and some advanced
meta-tags for your pages.
Now how do you get the search engine to crawl your site? You'll have
to start submitting your site to the search-engines for them to start
crawling your site. Here are the Submission URL's for some of the
major search engines:
Exact Seek:
All The Web:
MSN Search :
Altavista :
Scrub The Web:
Sympatico :
True Search :
Lycos :
Ask Jeeves/Teoma :
About the Author
Vinu Thomas is a consultant on Web design and Internet Technologies.
His website is You can read more articles
on Search Engine Tips @